diff --git a/lib/irc.ex b/lib/irc.ex index dd1a5d2..3898068 100644 --- a/lib/irc.ex +++ b/lib/irc.ex @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ defmodule Nola.Irc do require Logger def env(), do: Nola.env(:irc) def env(key, default \\ nil), do: Keyword.get(env(), key, default) def send_message_as(account, network, channel, text, force_puppet \\ false) do - connection = IRC.Connection.get_network(network) - if connection && (force_puppet || IRC.PuppetConnection.whereis(account, connection)) do - IRC.PuppetConnection.start_and_send_message(account, connection, channel, text) + connection = Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(network) + if connection && (force_puppet || Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection.whereis(account, connection)) do + Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection.start_and_send_message(account, connection, channel, text) else user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(network, account) nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: account.name) - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(network, channel, "<#{nick}> #{text}") + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(network, channel, "<#{nick}> #{text}") end end def admin?(%Message{sender: sender}), do: admin?(sender) def admin?(%{nick: nick, user: user, host: host}) do for {n, u, h} <- Nola.IRC.env(:admins, []) do admin_part_match?(n, nick) && admin_part_match?(u, user) && admin_part_match?(h, host) end |> Enum.any? end defp admin_part_match?(:_, _), do: true defp admin_part_match?(a, a), do: true defp admin_part_match?(_, _), do: false def application_childs do import Supervisor.Spec - IRC.Connection.setup() + Nola.Irc.Connection.setup() [ - worker(Registry, [[keys: :duplicate, name: IRC.ConnectionPubSub]], id: :registr_irc_conn), - supervisor(IRC.Connection.Supervisor, [], [name: IRC.Connection.Supervisor]), - supervisor(IRC.PuppetConnection.Supervisor, [], [name: IRC.PuppetConnection.Supervisor]), + worker(Registry, [[keys: :duplicate, name: Nola.Irc.ConnectionPubSub]], id: :registr_irc_conn), + supervisor(Nola.Irc.Connection.Supervisor, [], [name: Nola.Irc.Connection.Supervisor]), + supervisor(Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection.Supervisor, [], [name: Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection.Supervisor]), ] end # Start plugins first to let them get on connection events. def after_start() do Logger.info("Starting connections") - IRC.Connection.start_all() + Nola.Irc.Connection.start_all() end end diff --git a/lib/irc/connection.ex b/lib/irc/connection.ex index cff556d..7a0ca9d 100644 --- a/lib/irc/connection.ex +++ b/lib/irc/connection.ex @@ -1,521 +1,521 @@ -defmodule IRC.Connection do +defmodule Nola.Irc.Connection do require Logger use Ecto.Schema @moduledoc """ # IRC Connection Provides a nicer abstraction over ExIRC's handlers. ## Start connections ``` - IRC.Connection.start_link(host: "irc.random.sh", port: 6697, nick: "pouetbot", channels: ["#dev"]) + Nola.Irc.Connection.start_link(host: "irc.random.sh", port: 6697, nick: "pouetbot", channels: ["#dev"]) ## PubSub topics * `account` -- accounts change * {:account_change, old_account_id, new_account_id} # Sent when account merged * {:accounts, [{:account, network, channel, nick, account_id}] # Sent on bot join * {:account, network, nick, account_id} # Sent on user join * `message` -- aill messages (without triggers) * `message:private` -- all messages without a channel * `message:#CHANNEL` -- all messages within `#CHANNEL` * `triggers` -- all triggers * `trigger:TRIGGER` -- any message with a trigger `TRIGGER` ## Replying to %Nola.Message{} Each `Nola.Message` comes with a dedicated `replyfun`, to which you only have to pass either: """ def irc_doc, do: nil @min_backoff :timer.seconds(5) @max_backoff :timer.seconds(2*60) embedded_schema do field :network, :string field :host, :string field :port, :integer field :nick, :string field :user, :string field :name, :string field :pass, :string field :tls, :boolean, default: false field :channels, {:array, :string}, default: [] end defmodule Supervisor do use DynamicSupervisor def start_link() do DynamicSupervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end - def start_child(%IRC.Connection{} = conn) do - spec = %{id: conn.id, start: {IRC.Connection, :start_link, [conn]}, restart: :transient} + def start_child(%Nola.Irc.Connection{} = conn) do + spec = %{id: conn.id, start: {Nola.Irc.Connection, :start_link, [conn]}, restart: :transient} DynamicSupervisor.start_child(__MODULE__, spec) end @impl true def init(_init_arg) do DynamicSupervisor.init( strategy: :one_for_one, max_restarts: 10, max_seconds: 1 ) end end def changeset(params) do import Ecto.Changeset %__MODULE__{id: EntropyString.large_id()} |> cast(params, [:network, :host, :port, :nick, :user, :name, :pass, :channels, :tls]) |> validate_required([:host, :port, :nick, :user, :name]) |> apply_action(:insert) end def to_tuple(%__MODULE__{} = conn) do {conn.id, conn.network, conn.host, conn.port, conn.nick, conn.user, conn.name, conn.pass, conn.tls, conn.channels, nil} end def from_tuple({id, network, host, port, nick, user, name, pass, tls, channels, _}) do %__MODULE__{id: id, network: network, host: host, port: port, nick: nick, user: user, name: name, pass: pass, tls: tls, channels: channels} end ## -- MANAGER API def setup() do :dets.open_file(dets(), []) end def dets(), do: to_charlist(Nola.data_path("/connections.dets")) def lookup(id) do case :dets.lookup(dets(), id) do [object | _] -> from_tuple(object) _ -> nil end end def connections() do :dets.foldl(fn(object, acc) -> [from_tuple(object) | acc] end, [], dets()) end def start_all() do - for conn <- connections(), do: {conn, IRC.Connection.Supervisor.start_child(conn)} + for conn <- connections(), do: {conn, Nola.Irc.Connection.Supervisor.start_child(conn)} end def get_network(network, channel \\ nil) do spec = [{{:_, :"$1", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, network}}], [:"$_"]}] results = Enum.map(:dets.select(dets(), spec), fn(object) -> from_tuple(object) end) if channel do Enum.find(results, fn(conn) -> Enum.member?(conn.channels, channel) end) else List.first(results) end end def get_host_nick(host, port, nick) do spec = [{{:_, :_, :"$1", :"$2", :"$3", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:andalso, {:andalso, {:==, :"$1", {:const, host}}, {:==, :"$2", {:const, port}}}, {:==, :"$3", {:const, nick}}}], [:"$_"]} ] case :dets.select(dets(), spec) do [object] -> from_tuple(object) [] -> nil end end def delete_connection(%__MODULE__{id: id} = conn) do :dets.delete(dets(), id) stop_connection(conn) :ok end def start_connection(%__MODULE__{} = conn) do - IRC.Connection.Supervisor.start_child(conn) + Nola.Irc.Connection.Supervisor.start_child(conn) end def stop_connection(%__MODULE__{id: id}) do case :global.whereis_name(id) do pid when is_pid(pid) -> GenServer.stop(pid, :normal) _ -> :error end end def add_connection(opts) do case changeset(opts) do {:ok, conn} -> if existing = get_host_nick(conn.host, conn.port, conn.nick) do {:error, {:existing, conn}} else :dets.insert(dets(), to_tuple(conn)) - IRC.Connection.Supervisor.start_child(conn) + Nola.Irc.Connection.Supervisor.start_child(conn) end error -> error end end def update_connection(connection) do :dets.insert(dets(), to_tuple(connection)) end def start_link(conn) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [conn], name: {:global, conn.id}) end def broadcast_message(net, chan, message) do - dispatch("conn", {:broadcast, net, chan, message}, IRC.ConnectionPubSub) + dispatch("conn", {:broadcast, net, chan, message}, Nola.Irc.ConnectionPubSub) end def broadcast_message(list, message) when is_list(list) do for {net, chan} <- list do broadcast_message(net, chan, message) end end def privmsg(channel, line) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:privmsg, channel, line}) end def init([conn]) do Logger.metadata(conn: conn.id) backoff = :backoff.init(@min_backoff, @max_backoff) |> :backoff.type(:jitter) {:ok, %{client: nil, backoff: backoff, conn: conn, connected_server: nil, connected_port: nil, network: conn.network}, {:continue, :connect}} end @triggers %{ "!" => :bang, "+" => :plus, "-" => :minus, "?" => :query, "." => :dot, "~" => :tilde, "@" => :at, "++" => :plus_plus, "--" => :minus_minus, "!!" => :bang_bang, "??" => :query_query, ".." => :dot_dot, "~~" => :tilde_tilde, "@@" => :at_at } def handle_continue(:connect, state) do client_opts = [] |> Keyword.put(:network, state.conn.network) - {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.ConnectionPubSub, "conn", []) + {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.Irc.ConnectionPubSub, "conn", []) client = if state.client && Process.alive?(state.client) do Logger.info("Reconnecting client") state.client else Logger.info("Connecting") {:ok, client} = ExIRC.Client.start_link(debug: false) ExIRC.Client.add_handler(client, self()) client end opts = [{:nodelay, true}] conn_fun = if state.conn.tls, do: :connect_ssl!, else: :connect! apply(ExIRC.Client, conn_fun, [client, to_charlist(state.conn.host), state.conn.port, opts]) {:noreply, %{state | client: client}} end def handle_info(:disconnected, state) do {delay, backoff} = :backoff.fail(state.backoff) Logger.info("#{inspect(self())} Disconnected -- reconnecting in #{inspect delay}ms") Process.send_after(self(), :connect, delay) {:noreply, %{state | backoff: backoff}} end def handle_info(:connect, state) do {:noreply, state, {:continue, :connect}} end def handle_cast({:privmsg, channel, line}, state) do irc_reply(state, {channel, nil}, line) {:noreply, state} end # Connection successful def handle_info({:connected, server, port}, state) do Logger.info("#{inspect(self())} Connected to #{inspect(server)}:#{port} #{inspect state}") {_, backoff} = :backoff.succeed(state.backoff) ExIRC.Client.logon(state.client, state.conn.pass || "", state.conn.nick, state.conn.user, state.conn.name) {:noreply, %{state | backoff: backoff, connected_server: server, connected_port: port}} end # Logon successful def handle_info(:logged_in, state) do Logger.info("#{inspect(self())} Logged in") {_, backoff} = :backoff.succeed(state.backoff) Enum.map(state.conn.channels, &ExIRC.Client.join(state.client, &1)) {:noreply, %{state | backoff: backoff}} end # ISUP def handle_info({:isup, network}, state) when is_binary(network) do Nola.UserTrack.clear_network(state.network) if network != state.network do Logger.warn("Possibly misconfigured network: #{network} != #{state.network}") end {:noreply, state} end # Been kicked def handle_info({:kicked, _sender, chan, _reason}, state) do ExIRC.Client.join(state.client, chan) {:noreply, state} end # Received something in a channel def handle_info({:received, text, sender, chan}, state) do user = if user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_nick(state.network, sender.nick) do user else Logger.error("Could not lookup user for message: #{inspect {state.network, chan, sender.nick}}") user = Nola.UserTrack.joined(chan, sender, []) ExIRC.Client.who(state.client, chan) # Rewho everything in case of need ? We shouldn't not know that user.. user end if !user do ExIRC.Client.who(state.client, chan) # Rewho everything in case of need ? We shouldn't not know that user.. Logger.error("Could not lookup user nor create it for message: #{inspect {state.network, chan, sender.nick}}") else if !Map.get(user.options, :puppet) do reply_fun = fn(text) -> irc_reply(state, {chan, sender}, text) end account = Nola.Account.lookup(sender) message = %Nola.Message{id: FlakeId.get(), transport: :irc, at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), text: text, network: state.network, account: account, sender: sender, channel: chan, replyfun: reply_fun, trigger: extract_trigger(text)} message = case Nola.UserTrack.messaged(message) do :ok -> message {:ok, message} -> message end publish(message, ["#{message.network}/#{chan}:messages"]) end end {:noreply, state} end # Received a private message def handle_info({:received, text, sender}, state) do reply_fun = fn(text) -> irc_reply(state, {sender.nick, sender}, text) end account = Nola.Account.lookup(sender) message = %Nola.Message{id: FlakeId.get(), transport: :irc, text: text, network: state.network, at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), account: account, sender: sender, replyfun: reply_fun, trigger: extract_trigger(text)} message = case Nola.UserTrack.messaged(message) do :ok -> message {:ok, message} -> message end publish(message, ["messages:private", "#{message.network}/#{account.id}:messages"]) {:noreply, state} end ## -- Broadcast def handle_info({:broadcast, net, account = %Nola.Account{}, message}, state) do if net == state.conn.network do user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(net, account) if user do irc_reply(state, {user.nick, nil}, message) end end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:broadcast, net, chan, message}, state) do if net == state.conn.network && Enum.member?(state.conn.channels, chan) do irc_reply(state, {chan, nil}, message) end {:noreply, state} end ## -- UserTrack def handle_info({:joined, channel}, state) do ExIRC.Client.who(state.client, channel) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:who, channel, whos}, state) do accounts = Enum.map(whos, fn(who = %ExIRC.Who{nick: nick, operator?: operator}) -> priv = if operator, do: [:operator], else: [] # Don't touch -- on WHO the bot joined, not the users. Nola.UserTrack.joined(channel, who, priv, false) account = Nola.Account.lookup(who) if account do {:account, who.network, channel, who.nick, account.id} end end) |> Enum.filter(fn(x) -> x end) dispatch("account", {:accounts, accounts}) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:quit, reason, sender}, state) do Nola.UserTrack.quitted(sender, reason) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:joined, channel, sender}, state) do Nola.UserTrack.joined(channel, sender, []) account = Nola.Account.lookup(sender) if account do dispatch("account", {:account, sender.network, channel, sender.nick, account.id}) end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:kicked, nick, _by, channel, _reason}, state) do Nola.UserTrack.parted(state.network, channel, nick) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:parted, channel, %ExIRC.SenderInfo{nick: nick}}, state) do Nola.UserTrack.parted(state.network, channel, nick) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:mode, [channel, mode, nick]}, state) do track_mode(state.network, channel, nick, mode) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:nick_changed, old_nick, new_nick}, state) do Nola.UserTrack.renamed(state.network, old_nick, new_nick) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info(unhandled, client) do Logger.debug("unhandled: #{inspect unhandled}") {:noreply, client} end def publish(pub), do: publish(pub, []) def publish(m = %Nola.Message{trigger: nil}, keys) do dispatch(["messages"] ++ keys, {:irc, :text, m}) end def publish(m = %Nola.Message{trigger: t = %Nola.Trigger{trigger: trigger}}, keys) do dispatch(["triggers", "#{m.network}/#{m.channel}:triggers", "trigger:"<>trigger], {:irc, :trigger, trigger, m}) end def publish_event(net, event = %{type: _}) when is_binary(net) do event = event |> Map.put(:at, NaiveDateTime.utc_now()) |> Map.put(:network, net) dispatch("#{net}:events", {:irc, :event, event}) end def publish_event({net, chan}, event = %{type: type}) do event = event |> Map.put(:at, NaiveDateTime.utc_now()) |> Map.put(:network, net) |> Map.put(:channel, chan) dispatch("#{net}/#{chan}:events", {:irc, :event, event}) end def dispatch(keys, content, sub \\ Nola.PubSub) def dispatch(key, content, sub) when is_binary(key), do: dispatch([key], content, sub) def dispatch(keys, content, sub) when is_list(keys) do Logger.debug("dispatch #{inspect keys} = #{inspect content}") for key <- keys do spawn(fn() -> Registry.dispatch(sub, key, fn h -> for {pid, _} <- h, do: send(pid, content) end) end) end end # # Triggers # def triggers, do: @triggers for {trigger, name} <- @triggers do def extract_trigger(unquote(trigger)<>text) do text = String.strip(text) [trigger | args] = String.split(text, " ") %Nola.Trigger{type: unquote(name), trigger: String.downcase(trigger), args: args} end end def extract_trigger(_), do: nil # # IRC Replies # # irc_reply(ExIRC.Client pid, {channel or nick, ExIRC.Sender}, binary | replies # replies :: {:kick, reason} | {:kick, nick, reason} | {:mode, mode, nick} defp irc_reply(state = %{client: client, network: network}, {target, _}, text) when is_binary(text) or is_list(text) do lines = Nola.Irc.Message.splitlong(text) |> Enum.map(fn(x) -> if(is_list(x), do: x, else: String.split(x, "\n")) end) |> List.flatten() outputs = for line <- lines do ExIRC.Client.msg(client, :privmsg, target, line) {:irc, :out, %Nola.Message{id: FlakeId.get(), transport: :irc, network: network, channel: target, text: line, sender: %ExIRC.SenderInfo{nick: state.conn.nick}, at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), meta: %{self: true}}} end for f <- outputs, do: dispatch(["irc:outputs", "#{network}/#{target}:outputs"], f) end defp irc_reply(%{client: client}, {target, %{nick: nick}}, {:kick, reason}) do ExIRC.Client.kick(client, target, nick, reason) end defp irc_reply(%{client: client}, {target, _}, {:kick, nick, reason}) do ExIRC.Client.kick(client, target, nick, reason) end defp irc_reply(%{client: client}, {target, %{nick: nick}}, {:mode, mode}) do ExIRC.Client.mode(%{client: client}, target, mode, nick) end defp irc_reply(%{client: client}, target, {:mode, mode, nick}) do ExIRC.Client.mode(client, target, mode, nick) end defp irc_reply(%{client: client}, target, {:channel_mode, mode}) do ExIRC.Client.mode(client, target, mode) end defp track_mode(network, channel, nick, "+o") do Nola.UserTrack.change_privileges(network, channel, nick, {[:operator], []}) :ok end defp track_mode(network, channel, nick, "-o") do Nola.UserTrack.change_privileges(network, channel, nick, {[], [:operator]}) :ok end defp track_mode(network, channel, nick, "+v") do Nola.UserTrack.change_privileges(network, channel, nick, {[:voice], []}) :ok end defp track_mode(network, channel, nick, "-v") do Nola.UserTrack.change_privileges(network, channel, nick, {[], [:voice]}) :ok end defp track_mode(network, channel, nick, mode) do Logger.warn("Unhandled track_mode: #{inspect {nick, mode}}") :ok end defp server(%{conn: %{host: host, port: port}}) do host <> ":" <> to_string(port) end end diff --git a/lib/irc/puppet_connection.ex b/lib/irc/puppet_connection.ex index 2604876..f5e2e5c 100644 --- a/lib/irc/puppet_connection.ex +++ b/lib/irc/puppet_connection.ex @@ -1,238 +1,238 @@ -defmodule IRC.PuppetConnection do +defmodule Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection do require Logger @min_backoff :timer.seconds(5) @max_backoff :timer.seconds(2*60) @max_idle :timer.hours(12) @env Mix.env defmodule Supervisor do use DynamicSupervisor def start_link() do DynamicSupervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end - def start_child(%Nola.Account{id: account_id}, %IRC.Connection{id: connection_id}) do - spec = %{id: {account_id, connection_id}, start: {IRC.PuppetConnection, :start_link, [account_id, connection_id]}, restart: :transient} + def start_child(%Nola.Account{id: account_id}, %Nola.Irc.Connection{id: connection_id}) do + spec = %{id: {account_id, connection_id}, start: {Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection, :start_link, [account_id, connection_id]}, restart: :transient} DynamicSupervisor.start_child(__MODULE__, spec) end @impl true def init(_init_arg) do DynamicSupervisor.init( strategy: :one_for_one, max_restarts: 10, max_seconds: 1 ) end end - def whereis(account = %Nola.Account{id: account_id}, connection = %IRC.Connection{id: connection_id}) do + def whereis(account = %Nola.Account{id: account_id}, connection = %Nola.Irc.Connection{id: connection_id}) do {:global, name} = name(account_id, connection_id) case :global.whereis_name(name) do :undefined -> nil pid -> pid end end - def send_message(account = %Nola.Account{id: account_id}, connection = %IRC.Connection{id: connection_id}, channel, text) do + def send_message(account = %Nola.Account{id: account_id}, connection = %Nola.Irc.Connection{id: connection_id}, channel, text) do GenServer.cast(name(account_id, connection_id), {:send_message, self(), channel, text}) end - def start_and_send_message(account = %Nola.Account{id: account_id}, connection = %IRC.Connection{id: connection_id}, channel, text) do + def start_and_send_message(account = %Nola.Account{id: account_id}, connection = %Nola.Irc.Connection{id: connection_id}, channel, text) do {:global, name} = name(account_id, connection_id) pid = whereis(account, connection) pid = if !pid do - case IRC.PuppetConnection.Supervisor.start_child(account, connection) do + case Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection.Supervisor.start_child(account, connection) do {:ok, pid} -> pid {:error, {:already_started, pid}} -> pid end else pid end GenServer.cast(pid, {:send_message, self(), channel, text}) end - def start(account = %Nola.Account{}, connection = %IRC.Connection{}) do - IRC.PuppetConnection.Supervisor.start_child(account, connection) + def start(account = %Nola.Account{}, connection = %Nola.Irc.Connection{}) do + Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection.Supervisor.start_child(account, connection) end def start_link(account_id, connection_id) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [account_id, connection_id], name: name(account_id, connection_id)) end def name(account_id, connection_id) do {:global, {PuppetConnection, account_id, connection_id}} end def init([account_id, connection_id]) do account = %Nola.Account{} = Nola.Account.get(account_id) - connection = %IRC.Connection{} = IRC.Connection.lookup(connection_id) + connection = %Nola.Irc.Connection{} = Nola.Irc.Connection.lookup(connection_id) Logger.metadata(puppet_conn: account.id <> "@" <> connection.id) backoff = :backoff.init(@min_backoff, @max_backoff) |> :backoff.type(:jitter) idle = :erlang.send_after(@max_idle, self, :idle) {:ok, %{client: nil, backoff: backoff, idle: idle, connected: false, buffer: [], channels: [], connection_id: connection_id, account_id: account_id, connected_server: nil, connected_port: nil, network: connection.network}, {:continue, :connect}} end def handle_continue(:connect, state) do #ipv6 = if @env == :prod do # subnet = Nola.Subnet.assign(state.account_id) # Nola.Account.put_meta(Nola.Account.get(state.account_id), "subnet", subnet) # ip = Pfx.host(subnet, 1) # {:ok, ipv6} = :inet_parse.ipv6_address(to_charlist(ip)) # System.cmd("add-ip6", [ip]) # ipv6 #end - conn = IRC.Connection.lookup(state.connection_id) + conn = Nola.Irc.Connection.lookup(state.connection_id) client_opts = [] |> Keyword.put(:network, conn.network) client = if state.client && Process.alive?(state.client) do Logger.info("Reconnecting client") state.client else Logger.info("Connecting") {:ok, client} = ExIRC.Client.start_link(debug: false) ExIRC.Client.add_handler(client, self()) client end base_opts = [ {:nodelay, true} ] #{ip, opts} = case {ipv6, :inet_res.resolve(to_charlist(conn.host), :in, :aaaa)} do # {ipv6, {:ok, {:dns_rec, _dns_header, _query, rrs = [{:dns_rr, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} | _], _, _}}} -> # ip = rrs # |> Enum.map(fn({:dns_rr, _, :aaaa, :in, _, _, ipv6, _, _, _}) -> ipv6 end) # |> Enum.shuffle() # |> List.first() # opts = [ # :inet6, # {:ifaddr, ipv6} # ] # {ip, opts} # _ -> {ip, opts} = {to_charlist(conn.host), []} #end conn_fun = if conn.tls, do: :connect_ssl!, else: :connect! apply(ExIRC.Client, conn_fun, [client, ip, conn.port, base_opts ++ opts]) {:noreply, %{state | client: client}} end def handle_continue(:connected, state) do state = Enum.reduce(Enum.reverse(state.buffer), state, fn(b, state) -> {:noreply, state} = handle_cast(b, state) state end) {:noreply, %{state | buffer: []}} end def handle_cast(cast = {:send_message, _pid, _channel, _text}, state = %{connected: false, buffer: buffer}) do {:noreply, %{state | buffer: [cast | buffer]}} end def handle_cast({:send_message, pid, channel, text}, state = %{connected: true}) do channels = if !Enum.member?(state.channels, channel) do ExIRC.Client.join(state.client, channel) [channel | state.channels] else state.channels end ExIRC.Client.msg(state.client, :privmsg, channel, text) meta = %{puppet: true, from: pid} account = Nola.Account.get(state.account_id) nick = make_nick(state) sender = %ExIRC.SenderInfo{network: state.network, nick: suffix_nick(nick), user: nick, host: "puppet."} reply_fun = fn(text) -> - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(state.network, channel, text) + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(state.network, channel, text) end - message = %Nola.Message{id: FlakeId.get(), at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), text: text, network: state.network, account: account, sender: sender, channel: channel, replyfun: reply_fun, trigger: IRC.Connection.extract_trigger(text), meta: meta} + message = %Nola.Message{id: FlakeId.get(), at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), text: text, network: state.network, account: account, sender: sender, channel: channel, replyfun: reply_fun, trigger: Nola.Irc.Connection.extract_trigger(text), meta: meta} message = case Nola.UserTrack.messaged(message) do :ok -> message {:ok, message} -> message end - IRC.Connection.publish(message, ["#{message.network}/#{channel}:messages"]) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish(message, ["#{message.network}/#{channel}:messages"]) idle = if length(state.buffer) == 0 do :erlang.cancel_timer(state.idle) :erlang.send_after(@max_idle, self(), :idle) else state.idle end {:noreply, %{state | idle: idle, channels: channels}} end def handle_info(:idle, state) do ExIRC.Client.quit(state.client, "Puppet was idle for too long") ExIRC.Client.stop!(state.client) {:stop, :normal, state} end def handle_info(:disconnected, state) do {delay, backoff} = :backoff.fail(state.backoff) Logger.info("#{inspect(self())} Disconnected -- reconnecting in #{inspect delay}ms") Process.send_after(self(), :connect, delay) {:noreply, %{state | connected: false, backoff: backoff}} end def handle_info(:connect, state) do {:noreply, state, {:continue, :connect}} end # Connection successful def handle_info({:connected, server, port}, state) do Logger.info("#{inspect(self())} Connected to #{inspect(server)}:#{port} #{inspect state}") {_, backoff} = :backoff.succeed(state.backoff) base_nick = make_nick(state) ExIRC.Client.logon(state.client, "", suffix_nick(base_nick), base_nick, "#{base_nick}'s puppet") {:noreply, %{state | backoff: backoff, connected_server: server, connected_port: port}} end # Logon successful def handle_info(:logged_in, state) do Logger.info("#{inspect(self())} Logged in") {_, backoff} = :backoff.succeed(state.backoff) # Create an UserTrack entry for the client so it's authenticated to the right account_id already. Nola.UserTrack.connected(state.network, suffix_nick(make_nick(state)), make_nick(state), "puppet.", state.account_id, %{puppet: true}) {:noreply, %{state | backoff: backoff}} end # ISUP def handle_info({:isup, network}, state) do {:noreply, %{state | network: network, connected: true}, {:continue, :connected}} end # Been kicked def handle_info({:kicked, _sender, chan, _reason}, state) do {:noreply, %{state | channels: state.channels -- [chan]}} end def handle_info(_info, state) do {:noreply, state} end def make_nick(state) do account = Nola.Account.get(state.account_id) user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(state.network, account) base_nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: account.name) clean_nick = case String.split(base_nick, ":", parts: 2) do ["@"<>nick, _] -> nick [nick] -> nick end clean_nick end if Mix.env == :dev do def suffix_nick(nick), do: "#{nick}[d]" else def suffix_nick(nick), do: "#{nick}[p]" end end diff --git a/lib/matrix.ex b/lib/matrix.ex index 9334816..0ad0836 100644 --- a/lib/matrix.ex +++ b/lib/matrix.ex @@ -1,169 +1,169 @@ defmodule Nola.Matrix do require Logger alias Polyjuice.Client @behaviour MatrixAppService.Adapter.Room @behaviour MatrixAppService.Adapter.Transaction @behaviour MatrixAppService.Adapter.User @env Mix.env def dets(part) do (Nola.data_path() <> "/matrix-#{to_string(part)}.dets") |> String.to_charlist() end def setup() do {:ok, _} = :dets.open_file(dets(:rooms), []) {:ok, _} = :dets.open_file(dets(:room_aliases), []) {:ok, _} = :dets.open_file(dets(:users), []) :ok end def myself?("@_dev:random.sh"), do: true def myself?("@_bot:random.sh"), do: true def myself?("@_dev."<>_), do: true def myself?("@_bot."<>_), do: true def myself?(_), do: false def mxc_to_http(mxc = "mxc://"<>_) do uri = URI.parse(mxc) %URI{uri | scheme: "https", path: "/_matrix/media/r0/download/#{uri.authority}#{uri.path}"} |> URI.to_string() end def get_or_create_matrix_user(id) do if mxid = lookup_user(id) do mxid else opts = [ type: "m.login.application_service", inhibit_login: true, device_id: "APP_SERVICE", initial_device_display_name: "Application Service", username: if(@env == :dev, do: "_dev.#{id}", else: "_bot.#{id}") ] Logger.debug("Registering user for #{id}") {:ok, %{"user_id" => mxid}} = Polyjuice.Client.LowLevel.register(client(), opts) :dets.insert(dets(:users), {id, mxid}) end end def lookup_user(id) do case :dets.lookup(dets(:users), id) do [{_, matrix_id}] -> matrix_id _ -> nil end end def user_name("@"<>name) do [username, _] = String.split(name, ":", parts: 2) username end def application_childs() do import Supervisor.Spec [ - supervisor(Nola.Matrix.Room.Supervisor, [], [name: IRC.PuppetConnection.Supervisor]), + supervisor(Nola.Matrix.Room.Supervisor, [], [name: Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection.Supervisor]), ] end def after_start() do rooms = :dets.foldl(fn({id, _, _, _}, acc) -> [id | acc] end, [], dets(:rooms)) for room <- rooms, do: Nola.Matrix.Room.start(room) end def lookup_room(room) do case :dets.lookup(dets(:rooms), room) do [{_, network, channel, opts}] -> {:ok, Map.merge(opts, %{network: network, channel: channel})} _ -> {:error, :no_such_room} end end def lookup_room_alias(room_alias) do case :dets.lookup(dets(:room_aliases), room_alias) do [{_, room_id}] -> {:ok, room_id} _ -> {:error, :no_such_room_alias} end end def lookup_or_create_room(room_alias) do case lookup_room_alias(room_alias) do {:ok, room_id} -> {:ok, room_id} {:error, :no_such_room_alias} -> create_room(room_alias) end end def create_room(room_alias) do Logger.debug("Matrix: creating room #{inspect room_alias}") localpart = localpart(room_alias) with {:ok, network, channel} <- extract_network_channel_from_localpart(localpart), - %IRC.Connection{} <- IRC.Connection.get_network(network, channel), + %Nola.Irc.Connection{} <- Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(network, channel), room = [visibility: :public, room_alias_name: localpart, name: if(network == "random", do: channel, else: "#{network}/#{channel}")], {:ok, %{"room_id" => room_id}} <- Client.Room.create_room(client(), room) do Logger.info("Matrix: created room #{room_alias} #{room_id}") :dets.insert(dets(:rooms), {room_id, network, channel, %{}}) :dets.insert(dets(:room_aliases), {room_alias, room_id}) {:ok, room_id} else nil -> {:error, :no_such_network_channel} error -> error end end def localpart(room_alias) do [<<"#", localpart :: binary>>, _] = String.split(room_alias, ":", parts: 2) localpart end def extract_network_channel_from_localpart(localpart) do s = localpart |> String.replace("dev.", "") |> String.split("/", parts: 2) case s do [network, channel] -> {:ok, network, channel} [channel] -> {:ok, "random", channel} _ -> {:error, :invalid_localpart} end end @impl MatrixAppService.Adapter.Room def query_alias(room_alias) do case lookup_or_create_room(room_alias) do {:ok, room_id} -> Nola.Matrix.Room.start(room_id) :ok error -> error end end @impl MatrixAppService.Adapter.Transaction def new_event(event = %MatrixAppService.Event{}) do Logger.debug("New matrix event: #{inspect event}") if event.room_id do Nola.Matrix.Room.start_and_send_matrix_event(event.room_id, event) end :noop end @impl MatrixAppService.Adapter.User def query_user(user_id) do Logger.warn("Matrix lookup user: #{inspect user_id}") :error end def client(opts \\ []) do base_url = Application.get_env(:matrix_app_service, :base_url) access_token = Application.get_env(:matrix_app_service, :access_token) default_opts = [ access_token: access_token, device_id: "APP_SERVICE", application_service: true, user_id: nil ] opts = Keyword.merge(default_opts, opts) Polyjuice.Client.LowLevel.create(base_url, opts) end end diff --git a/lib/nola/account.ex b/lib/nola/account.ex index 31e237c..47e46b8 100644 --- a/lib/nola/account.ex +++ b/lib/nola/account.ex @@ -1,263 +1,263 @@ defmodule Nola.Account do alias Nola.UserTrack.User @moduledoc """ Account registry.... Maps a network predicate: * `{net, {:nick, nickname}}` * `{net, {:account, account}}` * `{net, {:mask, user@host}}` to an unique identifier, that can be shared over multiple networks. If a predicate cannot be found for an existing account, a new account will be made in the database. To link two existing accounts from different network onto a different one, a merge operation is provided. """ # FIXME: Ensure uniqueness of name? @derive {Poison.Encoder, except: [:token]} defstruct [:id, :name, :token] @type t :: %__MODULE__{id: id(), name: String.t()} @type id :: String.t() defimpl Inspect, for: __MODULE__ do import Inspect.Algebra def inspect(%{id: id, name: name}, opts) do concat(["#Nola.Account[", id, " ", name, "]"]) end end def file(base) do to_charlist(Nola.data_path() <> "/account_#{base}.dets") end defp from_struct(%__MODULE__{id: id, name: name, token: token}) do {id, name, token} end defp from_tuple({id, name, token}) do %__MODULE__{id: id, name: name, token: token} end def start_link() do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], [name: __MODULE__]) end def init(_) do {:ok, accounts} = :dets.open_file(file("db"), []) {:ok, meta} = :dets.open_file(file("meta"), []) {:ok, predicates} = :dets.open_file(file("predicates"), [{:type, :set}]) {:ok, %{accounts: accounts, meta: meta, predicates: predicates}} end def get(id) do case :dets.lookup(file("db"), id) do [account] -> from_tuple(account) _ -> nil end end def get_by_name(name) do spec = [{{:_, :"$1", :_}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, name}}], [:"$_"]}] case :dets.select(file("db"), spec) do [account] -> from_tuple(account) _ -> nil end end def get_meta(%__MODULE__{id: id}, key, default \\ nil) do case :dets.lookup(file("meta"), {id, key}) do [{_, value}] -> (value || default) _ -> default end end @spec find_meta_accounts(String.t()) :: [{account :: t(), value :: String.t()}, ...] @doc "Find all accounts that have a meta of `key`." def find_meta_accounts(key) do spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [{:==, :"$2", {:const, key}}], [{{:"$1", :"$3"}}]}] for {id, val} <- :dets.select(file("meta"), spec), do: {get(id), val} end @doc "Find an account given a specific meta `key` and `value`." @spec find_meta_account(String.t(), String.t()) :: t() | nil def find_meta_account(key, value) do #spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [:andalso, {:==, :"$2", {:const, key}}, {:==, :"$3", {:const, value}}], [:"$1"]}] spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [{:andalso, {:==, :"$2", {:const, key}}, {:==, {:const, value}, :"$3"}}], [:"$1"]}] case :dets.select(file("meta"), spec) do [id] -> get(id) _ -> nil end end def get_all_meta(%__MODULE__{id: id}) do spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, id}}], [{{:"$2", :"$3"}}]}] :dets.select(file("meta"), spec) end def put_user_meta(account = %__MODULE__{}, key, value) do put_meta(account, "u:"<>key, value) end def put_meta(%__MODULE__{id: id}, key, value) do :dets.insert(file("meta"), {{id, key}, value}) end def delete_meta(%__MODULE__{id: id}, key) do :dets.delete(file("meta"), {id, key}) end def all_accounts() do :dets.traverse(file("db"), fn(obj) -> {:continue, from_tuple(obj)} end) end def all_predicates() do :dets.traverse(file("predicates"), fn(obj) -> {:continue, obj} end) end def all_meta() do :dets.traverse(file("meta"), fn(obj) -> {:continue, obj} end) end def merge_account(old_id, new_id) do if old_id != new_id do spec = [{{:"$1", :"$2"}, [{:==, :"$2", {:const, old_id}}], [:"$1"]}] predicates = :dets.select(file("predicates"), spec) for pred <- predicates, do: :ok = :dets.insert(file("predicates"), {pred, new_id}) spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, old_id}}], [{{:"$2", :"$3"}}]}] metas = :dets.select(file("meta"), spec) for {k,v} <- metas do :dets.delete(file("meta"), {{old_id, k}}) :ok = :dets.insert(file("meta"), {{new_id, k}, v}) end :dets.delete(file("db"), old_id) Nola.Membership.merge_account(old_id, new_id) Nola.UserTrack.merge_account(old_id, new_id) - IRC.Connection.dispatch("account", {:account_change, old_id, new_id}) - IRC.Connection.dispatch("conn", {:account_change, old_id, new_id}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.dispatch("account", {:account_change, old_id, new_id}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.dispatch("conn", {:account_change, old_id, new_id}) end :ok end @doc "Find an account by a logged in user" def find_by_nick(network, nick) do do_lookup(%ExIRC.SenderInfo{nick: nick, network: network}, false) end @doc "Always find an account by nickname, even if offline. Uses predicates and then account name." def find_always_by_nick(network, chan, nick) do with \ nil <- find_by_nick(network, nick), nil <- do_lookup(%User{network: network, nick: nick}, false), nil <- get_by_name(nick) do nil else %__MODULE__{} = account -> memberships = Nola.Membership.of_account(account) if Enum.any?(memberships, fn({net, ch}) -> (net == network) or (chan && chan == ch) end) do account else nil end end end def find(something) do do_lookup(something, false) end def lookup(something, make_default \\ true) do account = do_lookup(something, make_default) if account && Map.get(something, :nick) do - IRC.Connection.dispatch("account", {:account_auth, Map.get(something, :nick), account.id}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.dispatch("account", {:account_auth, Map.get(something, :nick), account.id}) end account end def handle_info(_, state) do {:noreply, state} end def handle_cast(_, state) do {:noreply, state} end def handle_call(_, _, state) do {:noreply, state} end def terminate(_, state) do for {_, dets} <- state do :dets.sync(dets) :dets.close(dets) end end defp do_lookup(message = %Nola.Message{account: account_id}, make_default) when is_binary(account_id) do get(account_id) end defp do_lookup(sender = %ExIRC.Who{}, make_default) do if user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_nick(sender) do lookup(user, make_default) else #FIXME this will never work with continued lookup by other methods as Who isn't compatible lookup_by_nick(sender, :dets.lookup(file("predicates"), {sender.network,{:nick, sender.nick}}), make_default) end end defp do_lookup(sender = %ExIRC.SenderInfo{}, make_default) do lookup(Nola.UserTrack.find_by_nick(sender), make_default) end defp do_lookup(user = %User{account: id}, make_default) when is_binary(id) do get(id) end defp do_lookup(user = %User{network: server, nick: nick}, make_default) do lookup_by_nick(user, :dets.lookup(file("predicates"), {server,{:nick, nick}}), make_default) end defp do_lookup(nil, _) do nil end defp lookup_by_nick(_, [{_, id}], _make_default) do get(id) end defp lookup_by_nick(user, _, make_default) do #authenticate_by_host(user) if make_default, do: new_account(user), else: nil end def new_account(nick) do id = EntropyString.large_id() :dets.insert(file("db"), {id, nick, EntropyString.token()}) get(id) end def new_account(%{nick: nick, network: server}) do id = EntropyString.large_id() :dets.insert(file("db"), {id, nick, EntropyString.token()}) :dets.insert(file("predicates"), {{server, {:nick, nick}}, id}) get(id) end def update_account_name(account = %__MODULE__{id: id}, name) do account = %__MODULE__{account | name: name} :dets.insert(file("db"), from_struct(account)) get(id) end def get_predicates(%__MODULE__{} = account) do spec = [{{:"$1", :"$2"}, [{:==, :"$2", {:const, account.id}}], [:"$1"]}] :dets.select(file("predicates"), spec) end end diff --git a/lib/nola/user_track.ex b/lib/nola/user_track.ex index 720fb58..f6a02ae 100644 --- a/lib/nola/user_track.ex +++ b/lib/nola/user_track.ex @@ -1,329 +1,329 @@ defmodule Nola.UserTrack do @moduledoc """ User Track DB & Utilities """ @ets Nola.UserTrack.Storage # {uuid, network, nick, nicks, privilege_map} # Privilege map: # %{"#channel" => [:operator, :voice] defmodule Storage do def delete(id) do op(fn(ets) -> :ets.delete(ets, id) end) end def insert(tuple) do op(fn(ets) -> :ets.insert(ets, tuple) end) end def clear_network(network) do op(fn(ets) -> spec = [ {{:_, :"$1", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [ {:==, :"$1", {:const, network}} ], [:"$_"]} ] :ets.match_delete(ets, spec) end) end def op(fun) do GenServer.call(__MODULE__, {:op, fun}) end def start_link do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], [name: __MODULE__]) end def init([]) do ets = :ets.new(__MODULE__, [:set, :named_table, :protected, {:read_concurrency, true}]) {:ok, ets} end def handle_call({:op, fun}, _from, ets) do returned = try do {:ok, fun.(ets)} rescue rescued -> {:error, rescued} catch rescued -> {:error, rescued} end {:reply, returned, ets} end def terminate(_reason, ets) do :ok end end defmodule Id, do: use EntropyString defmodule User do defstruct [:id, :account, :network, :nick, {:nicks, []}, :username, :host, :realname, {:privileges, %{}}, {:last_active, %{}}, {:options, %{}}] def to_tuple(u = %__MODULE__{}) do {u.id || Nola.UserTrack.Id.large_id, u.network, u.account, String.downcase(u.nick), u.nick, u.nicks || [], u.username, u.host, u.realname, u.privileges, u.last_active, u.options} end #tuple size: 11 def from_tuple({id, network, account, _downcased_nick, nick, nicks, username, host, realname, privs, last_active, opts}) do struct = %__MODULE__{id: id, account: account, network: network, nick: nick, nicks: nicks, username: username, host: host, realname: realname, privileges: privs, last_active: last_active, options: opts} end end def find_by_account(%Nola.Account{id: id}) do #iex(15)> :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {_, net, acct, _, _, _, _, _, _}) when net == network and acct == account -> obj end) spec = [ {{:_, :_, :"$2", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [ {:==, :"$2", {:const, id}} ], [:"$_"]} ] results = :ets.select(@ets, spec) |> Enum.filter(& &1) for obj <- results, do: User.from_tuple(obj) end def find_by_account(network, nil) do nil end def find_by_account(network, %Nola.Account{id: id}) do #iex(15)> :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {_, net, acct, _, _, _, _, _, _}) when net == network and acct == account -> obj end) spec = [ {{:_, :"$1", :"$2", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [ {:andalso, {:==, :"$1", {:const, network}}, {:==, :"$2", {:const, id}}} ], [:"$_"]} ] case :ets.select(@ets, spec) do results = [_r | _] -> result = results |> Enum.reject(fn({_, net, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, actives, opts}) -> network != "matrix" && net == "matrix" end) |> Enum.reject(fn({_, net, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, actives, opts}) -> network != "telegram" && net == "telegram" end) |> Enum.reject(fn({_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, actives, opts}) -> network not in ["matrix", "telegram"] && Map.get(opts, :puppet) end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, actives, _}) -> Map.get(actives, nil) end, {:desc, NaiveDateTime}) |> List.first if result, do: User.from_tuple(result) _ -> nil end end def clear_network(network) do Storage.clear_network(network) end def merge_account(old_id, new_id) do #iex(15)> :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {_, net, acct, _, _, _, _, _, _}) when net == network and acct == account -> obj end) spec = [ {{:_, :_, :"$1", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [ {:==, :"$1", {:const, old_id}} ], [:"$_"]} ] Enum.each(:ets.select(@ets, spec), fn({id, net, _, downcased_nick, nick, nicks, username, host, realname, privs, active, opts}) -> Storage.op(fn(ets) -> :ets.insert(@ets, {id, net, new_id, downcased_nick, nick, nicks, username, host, realname, privs, active, opts}) end) end) end def find_by_nick(%ExIRC.Who{network: network, nick: nick}) do find_by_nick(network, nick) end def find_by_nick(%ExIRC.SenderInfo{network: network, nick: nick}) do find_by_nick(network, nick) end def find_by_nick(network, nick) do case :ets.match(@ets, {:"$1", network, :_, String.downcase(nick), :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}) do [[id] | _] -> lookup(id) _ -> nil end end def to_list, do: :ets.tab2list(@ets) def lookup(id) do case :ets.lookup(@ets, id) do [] -> nil [tuple] -> User.from_tuple(tuple) end end def operator?(network, channel, nick) do if user = find_by_nick(network, nick) do privs = Map.get(user.privileges, channel, []) Enum.member?(privs, :admin) || Enum.member?(privs, :operator) else false end end def channel(network, channel) do Enum.filter(to_list(), fn({_, network, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, channels, _, _}) -> Map.get(channels, channel) end) end # TODO def connected(network, nick, user, host, account_id, opts \\ %{}) do if account = Nola.Account.get(account_id) do user = if user = find_by_nick(network, nick) do user else user = %User{id: Nola.UserTrack.Id.large_id, account: account_id, network: network, nick: nick, username: user, host: host, privileges: %{}, options: opts} Storage.op(fn(ets) -> :ets.insert(ets, User.to_tuple(user)) end) user end - IRC.Connection.publish_event(network, %{type: :connect, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish_event(network, %{type: :connect, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account}) :ok else :error end end def joined(c, s), do: joined(c,s,[]) def joined(channel, sender=%{nick: nick, user: uname, host: host}, privileges, touch \\ true) do privileges = if IRC.admin?(sender) do privileges ++ [:admin] else privileges end user = if user = find_by_nick(sender.network, nick) do %User{user | username: uname, host: host, privileges: Map.put(user.privileges || %{}, channel, privileges)} else user = %User{id: Nola.UserTrack.Id.large_id, network: sender.network, nick: nick, username: uname, host: host, privileges: %{channel => privileges}} account = Nola.Account.lookup(user).id user = %User{user | account: account} end user = touch_struct(user, channel) if touch && user.account do Nola.Membership.touch(user.account, sender.network, channel) end Storage.op(fn(ets) -> :ets.insert(ets, User.to_tuple(user)) end) - IRC.Connection.publish_event({sender.network, channel}, %{type: :join, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish_event({sender.network, channel}, %{type: :join, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account}) user end #def joined(network, channel, nick, privileges) do # user = if user = find_by_nick(network, nick) do # %User{user | privileges: Map.put(user.privileges, channel, privileges)} # else # %User{nick: nick, privileges: %{channel => privileges}} # end # # Storage.op(fn(ets) -> # :ets.insert(ets, User.to_tuple(user)) # end) #end def messaged(%Nola.Message{network: network, account: account, channel: chan, sender: %{nick: nick}} = m) do {user, account} = if user = find_by_nick(network, nick) do {touch_struct(user, chan), account || Nola.Account.lookup(user)} else user = %User{network: network, nick: nick, privileges: %{}} account = Nola.Account.lookup(user) {%User{user | account: account.id}, account} end Storage.insert(User.to_tuple(user)) if chan, do: Nola.Membership.touch(account, network, chan) if !m.account do {:ok, %Nola.Message{m | account: account}} else :ok end end def renamed(network, old_nick, new_nick) do if user = find_by_nick(network, old_nick) do old_account = Nola.Account.lookup(user) user = %User{user | nick: new_nick, nicks: [old_nick|user.nicks]} account = Nola.Account.lookup(user, false) || old_account user = %User{user | nick: new_nick, account: account.id, nicks: [old_nick|user.nicks]} Storage.insert(User.to_tuple(user)) channels = for {channel, _} <- user.privileges, do: channel - IRC.Connection.publish_event(network, %{type: :nick, user_id: user.id, account_id: account.id, nick: new_nick, old_nick: old_nick}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish_event(network, %{type: :nick, user_id: user.id, account_id: account.id, nick: new_nick, old_nick: old_nick}) end end def change_privileges(network, channel, nick, {add, remove}) do if user = find_by_nick(network, nick) do privs = Map.get(user.privileges, channel) privs = Enum.reduce(add, privs, fn(priv, acc) -> [priv|acc] end) privs = Enum.reduce(remove, privs, fn(priv, acc) -> List.delete(acc, priv) end) user = %User{user | privileges: Map.put(user.privileges, channel, privs)} Storage.insert(User.to_tuple(user)) - IRC.Connection.publish_event({network, channel}, %{type: :privileges, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account, added: add, removed: remove}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish_event({network, channel}, %{type: :privileges, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account, added: add, removed: remove}) end end # XXX: Reason def parted(channel, %{network: network, nick: nick}) do parted(network, channel, nick) end def parted(network, channel, nick) do if user = find_by_nick(network, nick) do if user.account do Nola.Membership.touch(user.account, network, channel) end privs = Map.delete(user.privileges, channel) lasts = Map.delete(user.last_active, channel) if Enum.count(privs) > 0 do user = %User{user | privileges: privs} Storage.insert(User.to_tuple(user)) - IRC.Connection.publish_event({network, channel}, %{type: :part, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account, reason: nil}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish_event({network, channel}, %{type: :part, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account, reason: nil}) else - IRC.Connection.publish_event(network, %{type: :quit, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account, reason: "Left all known channels"}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish_event(network, %{type: :quit, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account, reason: "Left all known channels"}) Storage.delete(user.id) end end end def quitted(sender, reason) do if user = find_by_nick(sender.network, sender.nick) do if user.account do for {channel, _} <- user.privileges do Nola.Membership.touch(user.account, sender.network, channel) end - IRC.Connection.publish_event(sender.network, %{type: :quit, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account, reason: reason}) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish_event(sender.network, %{type: :quit, user_id: user.id, account_id: user.account, reason: reason}) end Storage.delete(user.id) end end defp touch_struct(user = %User{last_active: last_active}, channel) do now = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() last_active = last_active |> Map.put(channel, now) |> Map.put(nil, now) %User{user | last_active: last_active} end defp userchans(%{privileges: privileges}) do for({chan, _} <- privileges, do: chan) end end diff --git a/lib/plugins/alcoolog.ex b/lib/plugins/alcoolog.ex index 41b5a4f..28723d0 100644 --- a/lib/plugins/alcoolog.ex +++ b/lib/plugins/alcoolog.ex @@ -1,1229 +1,1229 @@ defmodule Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog do require Logger @moduledoc """ # [alcoolog]({{context_path}}/alcoolog) * **!santai `` ` [annotation]`**: enregistre un nouveau verre de `montant` d'une boisson à `degrés d'alcool`. * **!santai `` ``**: enregistre un nouveau verre de `cl` de la bière `beer name`, et checkin sur Untappd.com. * **!moar `[cl]` : enregistre un verre équivalent au dernier !santai. * **-santai**: annule la dernière entrée d'alcoolisme. * **.alcoolisme**: état du channel en temps réel. * **.alcoolisme ``**: points par jour, sur X j. * **!alcoolisme `[pseudo]`**: affiche les points d'alcoolisme. * **!alcoolisme `[pseudo]` ``**: affiche les points d'alcoolisme par jour sur X j. * **+alcoolisme `` `` `[facteur de perte en mg/l (10, 15, 20, 25)]`**: Configure votre profil d'alcoolisme. * **.sobre**: affiche quand la sobriété frappera sur le chan. * **!sobre `[pseudo]`**: affiche quand la sobriété frappera pour `[pseudo]`. * **!sobrepour ``**: affiche tu pourras être sobre pour ``, et si oui, combien de volumes d'alcool peuvent encore être consommés. * **!alcoolog**: ([voir]({{context_path}}/alcoolog)) lien pour voir l'état/statistiques et historique de l'alcoolémie du channel. * **!alcool `` ``**: donne le nombre d'unités d'alcool dans `` à `°`. * **!soif**: c'est quand l'apéro ? 1 point = 1 volume d'alcool. Annotation: champ libre! --- ## `!txt`s * status utilisateur: `alcoolog.user_(sober|legal|legalhigh|high|toohigh|sick)(|_rising)` * mauvaises boissons: `alcoolog.drink_(negative|zero|negative)` * santo: `alcoolog.santo` * santai: `alcoolog.santai` * plus gros, moins gros: `alcoolog.(fatter|thinner)` """ def irc_doc, do: @moduledoc def start_link(), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) # tuple dets: {nick, date, volumes, current_alcohol_level, nom, commentaire} # tuple ets: {{nick, date}, volumes, current, nom, commentaire} # tuple meta dets: {nick, map} # %{:weight => float, :sex => true(h),false(f)} @pubsub ~w(account) @pubsub_triggers ~w(santai moar again bis santo santeau alcoolog sobre sobrepour soif alcoolisme alcool) @default_user_meta %{weight: 77.4, sex: true, loss_factor: 15} def data_state() do dets_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoolisme.dets") |> String.to_charlist dets_meta_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoolisme_meta.dets") |> String.to_charlist %{dets: dets_filename, meta: dets_meta_filename, ets: __MODULE__.ETS} end def init(_) do triggers = for(t <- @pubsub_triggers, do: "trigger:"<>t) for sub <- @pubsub ++ triggers do {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, sub, plugin: __MODULE__) end dets_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoolisme.dets") |> String.to_charlist {:ok, dets} = :dets.open_file(dets_filename, [{:type,:bag}]) ets = :ets.new(__MODULE__.ETS, [:ordered_set, :named_table, :protected, {:read_concurrency, true}]) dets_meta_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoolisme_meta.dets") |> String.to_charlist {:ok, meta} = :dets.open_file(dets_meta_filename, [{:type,:set}]) traverse_fun = fn(obj, dets) -> case obj do object = {nick, naive = %NaiveDateTime{}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment} -> date = naive |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC") |> DateTime.to_unix() new = {nick, date, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, Map.new()} :dets.delete_object(dets, object) :dets.insert(dets, new) :ets.insert(ets, {{nick, date}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, Map.new()}) dets object = {nick, naive = %NaiveDateTime{}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, meta} -> date = naive |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC") |> DateTime.to_unix() new = {nick, date, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, Map.new()} :dets.delete_object(dets, object) :dets.insert(dets, new) :ets.insert(ets, {{nick, date}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, Map.new()}) dets object = {nick, date, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, meta} -> :ets.insert(ets, {{nick, date}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, meta}) dets _ -> dets end end :dets.foldl(traverse_fun, dets, dets) :dets.sync(dets) state = %{dets: dets, meta: meta, ets: ets} {:ok, state} end @eau ["santo", "santeau"] def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, santeau, m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: _, type: :bang}}}, state) when santeau in @eau do Nola.Plugins.Txt.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.santo") {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "soif", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: _, type: :bang}}}, state) do now = DateTime.utc_now() |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris") apero = format_duration_from_now(%DateTime{now | hour: 18, minute: 0, second: 0}, false) day_of_week = Date.day_of_week(now) {txt, apero?} = cond do now.hour >= 0 && now.hour < 6 -> {["apéro tardif ? Je dis OUI ! SANTAI !"], true} now.hour >= 6 && now.hour < 12 -> if day_of_week >= 6 do {["de l'alcool pour le petit dej ? le week-end, pas de problème !"], true} else {["C'est quand même un peu tôt non ? Prochain apéro #{apero}"], false} end now.hour >= 12 && (now.hour < 14) -> {["oui! c'est l'apéro de midi! (et apéro #{apero})", "tu peux attendre #{apero} ou y aller, il est midi !" ], true} now.hour == 17 -> {[ "ÇA APPROCHE !!! Apéro #{apero}", "BIENTÔT !!! Apéro #{apero}", "achetez vite les teilles, apéro dans #{apero}!", "préparez les teilles, apéro dans #{apero}!" ], false} now.hour >= 14 && now.hour < 18 -> weekend = if day_of_week >= 6 do " ... ou maintenant en fait, c'est le week-end!" else "" end {["tiens bon! apéro #{apero}#{weekend}", "courage... apéro dans #{apero}#{weekend}", "pas encore :'( apéro dans #{apero}#{weekend}" ], false} true -> {[ "C'EST L'HEURE DE L'APÉRO !!! SANTAIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!" ], true} end txt = txt |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.random() m.replyfun.(txt) stats = get_full_statistics(state, m.account.id) if !apero? && stats.active > 0.1 do m.replyfun.("(... ou continue en fait, je suis pas ta mère !)") end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "sobrepour", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do args = Enum.join(args, " ") {:ok, now} = DateTime.now("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) time = case args do "demain " <> time -> {h, m} = case String.split(time, [":", "h"]) do [hour, ""] -> IO.puts ("h #{inspect hour}") {h, _} = Integer.parse(hour) {h, 0} [hour, min] when min != "" -> {h, _} = Integer.parse(hour) {m, _} = Integer.parse(min) {h, m} [hour] -> IO.puts ("h #{inspect hour}") {h, _} = Integer.parse(hour) {h, 0} _ -> {0, 0} end secs = ((60*60)*24) day = DateTime.add(now, secs, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) %DateTime{day | hour: h, minute: m, second: 0} "après demain " <> time -> secs = 2*((60*60)*24) DateTime.add(now, secs, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) datetime -> case Timex.Parse.DateTime.Parser.parse(datetime, "{}") do {:ok, dt} -> dt _ -> nil end end if time do meta = get_user_meta(state, m.account.id) stats = get_full_statistics(state, m.account.id) duration = round(DateTime.diff(time, now)/60.0) IO.puts "diff #{inspect duration} sober in #{inspect stats.sober_in}" if duration < stats.sober_in do int = stats.sober_in - duration m.replyfun.("désolé, aucune chance! tu seras sobre #{format_minute_duration(int)} après!") else remaining = duration - stats.sober_in if remaining < 30 do m.replyfun.("moins de 30 minutes de sobriété, c'est impossible de boire plus") else loss_per_minute = ((meta.loss_factor/100)/60) remaining_gl = (remaining-30)*loss_per_minute m.replyfun.("marge de boisson: #{inspect remaining} minutes, #{remaining_gl} g/l") end end end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolog", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: [], type: :plus}}}, state) do {:ok, token} = Nola.Token.new({:alcoolog, :index, m.sender.network, m.channel}) url = NolaWeb.Router.Helpers.alcoolog_url(NolaWeb.Endpoint, :index, m.network, NolaWeb.format_chan(m.channel), token) m.replyfun.("-> #{url}") {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolog", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: [], type: :bang}}}, state) do url = NolaWeb.Router.Helpers.alcoolog_url(NolaWeb.Endpoint, :index, m.network, NolaWeb.format_chan(m.channel)) m.replyfun.("-> #{url}") {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcool", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: args = [cl, deg], type: :bang}}}, state) do {cl, _} = Util.float_paparse(cl) {deg, _} = Util.float_paparse(deg) points = Alcool.units(cl, deg) meta = get_user_meta(state, m.account.id) k = if meta.sex, do: 0.7, else: 0.6 weight = meta.weight gl = (10*points)/(k*weight) duration = round(gl/((meta.loss_factor/100)/60))+30 sober_in_s = if duration > 0 do duration = Timex.Duration.from_minutes(duration) Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.lformat(duration, "fr", :humanized) else "" end m.replyfun.("Il y a #{Float.round(points+0.0, 4)} unités d'alcool dans #{cl}cl à #{deg}° (#{Float.round(gl + 0.0, 4)} g/l, #{sober_in_s})") {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "santai", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: [cl, deg | comment], type: :bang}}}, state) do santai(m, state, cl, deg, comment) {:noreply, state} end @moar [ "{{message.sender.nick}}: la même donc ?", "{{message.sender.nick}}: et voilà la petite sœur !" ] def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "bis", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "moar", m}, state) end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "again", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "moar", m}, state) end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "moar", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do case get_statistics_for_nick(state, m.account.id) do {_, obj = {_, _date, _points, _active, cl, deg, _name, comment, _meta}} -> cl = case args do [cls] -> case Util.float_paparse(cls) do {cl, _} -> cl _ -> cl end _ -> cl end moar = @moar |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.random() |> Tmpl.render(m) |> m.replyfun.() santai(m, state, cl, deg, comment, auto_set: true) {_, obj = {_, date, points, _last_active, type, descr}} -> case Regex.named_captures(~r/^(?\d+[.]\d+)cl\s+(?\d+[.]\d+)°$/, type) do nil -> m.replyfun.("suce") u -> moar = @moar |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.random() |> Tmpl.render(m) |> m.replyfun.() santai(m, state, u["cl"], u["deg"], descr, auto_set: true) end _ -> nil end {:noreply, state} end defp santai(m, state, cl, deg, comment, options \\ []) do comment = cond do comment == [] -> nil is_binary(comment) -> comment comment == nil -> nil true -> Enum.join(comment, " ") end {cl, cl_extra} = case {Util.float_paparse(cl), cl} do {{cl, extra}, _} -> {cl, extra} {:error, "("<>_} -> try do {:ok, result} = Abacus.eval(cl) {result, nil} rescue _ -> {nil, "cl: invalid calc expression"} end {:error, _} -> {nil, "cl: invalid value"} end {deg, comment, auto_set, beer_id} = case Util.float_paparse(deg) do {deg, _} -> {deg, comment, Keyword.get(options, :auto_set, false), nil} :error -> beername = if(comment, do: "#{deg} #{comment}", else: deg) case Untappd.search_beer(beername, limit: 1) do {:ok, %{"response" => %{"beers" => %{"count" => count, "items" => [%{"beer" => beer, "brewery" => brewery} | _]}}}} -> {Map.get(beer, "beer_abv"), "#{Map.get(brewery, "brewery_name")}: #{Map.get(beer, "beer_name")}", true, Map.get(beer, "bid")} _ -> {deg, "could not find beer", false, nil} end end cond do cl == nil -> m.replyfun.(cl_extra) deg == nil -> m.replyfun.(comment) cl >= 500 || deg >= 100 -> Nola.Plugins.Txt.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.drink_toohuge") cl == 0 || deg == 0 -> Nola.Plugins.Txt.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.drink_zero") cl < 0 || deg < 0 -> Nola.Plugins.Txt.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.drink_negative") true -> points = Alcool.units(cl, deg) now = m.at || DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond) user_meta = get_user_meta(state, m.account.id) name = "#{cl}cl #{deg}°" old_stats = get_full_statistics(state, m.account.id) meta = %{} meta = Map.put(meta, "timestamp", now) meta = Map.put(meta, "weight", user_meta.weight) meta = Map.put(meta, "sex", user_meta.sex) :ok = :dets.insert(state.dets, {m.account.id, now, points, if(old_stats, do: old_stats.active, else: 0), cl, deg, name, comment, meta}) true = :ets.insert(state.ets, {{m.account.id, now}, points, if(old_stats, do: old_stats.active, else: 0),cl, deg, name, comment, meta}) #sante = @santai |> Enum.map(fn(s) -> String.trim(String.upcase(s)) end) |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.random() sante = Nola.Plugins.Txt.random("alcoolog.santai") k = if user_meta.sex, do: 0.7, else: 0.6 weight = user_meta.weight peak = Float.round((10*points||0.0)/(k*weight), 4) stats = get_full_statistics(state, m.account.id) sober_add = if old_stats && Map.get(old_stats || %{}, :sober_in) do mins = round(stats.sober_in - old_stats.sober_in) " [+#{mins}m]" else "" end nonow = DateTime.utc_now() sober = nonow |> DateTime.add(round(stats.sober_in*60), :second) |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris") at = if nonow.day == sober.day do {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "aujourd'hui {h24}:{m}", "fr") detail else {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "{WDfull} {h24}:{m}", "fr") detail end up = if stats.active_drinks > 1 do " " <> Enum.join(for(_ <- 1..stats.active_drinks, do: "▲")) <> "" else "" end since_str = if stats.since && stats.since_min > 180 do "(depuis: #{stats.since_s}) " else "" end msg = fn(nick, extra) -> "#{sante} #{nick} #{extra}#{up} #{format_points(points)} @#{stats.active}g/l [+#{peak} g/l]" <> " (15m: #{stats.active15m}, 30m: #{stats.active30m}, 1h: #{stats.active1h}) #{since_str}(sobriété #{at} (dans #{stats.sober_in_s})#{sober_add}) !" <> " (aujourd'hui #{stats.daily_volumes} points - #{stats.daily_gl} g/l)" end meta = if beer_id do Map.put(meta, "untappd:beer_id", beer_id) else meta end if beer_id do spawn(fn() -> case Untappd.maybe_checkin(m.account, beer_id) do {:ok, body} -> badges = get_in(body, ["badges", "items"]) if badges != [] do badges_s = Enum.map(badges, fn(badge) -> Map.get(badge, "badge_name") end) |> Enum.filter(fn(b) -> b end) |> Enum.intersperse(", ") |> Enum.join("") badge = if(length(badges) > 1, do: "badges", else: "badge") m.replyfun.("\\O/ Unlocked untappd #{badge}: #{badges_s}") end :ok {:error, {:http_error, error}} when is_integer(error) -> m.replyfun.("Checkin to Untappd failed: #{to_string(error)}") {:error, {:http_error, error}} -> m.replyfun.("Checkin to Untappd failed: #{inspect error}") _ -> :error end end) end local_extra = if auto_set do if comment do " #{comment} (#{cl}cl @ #{deg}°)" else "#{cl}cl @ #{deg}°" end else "" end m.replyfun.(msg.(m.sender.nick, local_extra)) notify = Nola.Membership.notify_channels(m.account) -- [{m.network,m.channel}] for {net, chan} <- notify do user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(net, m.account) nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: m.account.name) extra = " " <> present_type(name, comment) <> "" - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, msg.(nick, extra)) + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, msg.(nick, extra)) end miss = cond do points <= 0.6 -> :small stats.active30m >= 2.9 && stats.active30m < 3 -> :miss3 stats.active30m >= 1.9 && stats.active30m < 2 -> :miss2 stats.active30m >= 0.9 && stats.active30m < 1 -> :miss1 stats.active30m >= 0.45 && stats.active30m < 0.5 -> :miss05 stats.active30m >= 0.20 && stats.active30m < 0.20 -> :miss025 stats.active30m >= 3 && stats.active1h < 3.15 -> :small3 stats.active30m >= 2 && stats.active1h < 2.15 -> :small2 stats.active30m >= 1.5 && stats.active1h < 1.5 -> :small15 stats.active30m >= 1 && stats.active1h < 1.15 -> :small1 stats.active30m >= 0.5 && stats.active1h <= 0.51 -> :small05 stats.active30m >= 0.25 && stats.active30m <= 0.255 -> :small025 true -> nil end if miss do miss = Nola.Plugins.Txt.random("alcoolog.#{to_string(miss)}") if miss do for {net, chan} <- Nola.Membership.notify_channels(m.account) do user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(net, m.account) nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: m.account.name) - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, "#{nick}: #{miss}") + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, "#{nick}: #{miss}") end end end end end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "santai", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: _, type: :bang}}}, state) do m.replyfun.("!santai [commentaire]") {:noreply, state} end def get_all_stats() do Nola.Account.all_accounts() |> Enum.map(fn(account) -> {account.id, get_full_statistics(account.id)} end) |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && (status.active > 0 || status.active30m > 0) end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> status.active end, &>/2) end def get_channel_statistics(account, network, nil) do Nola.Membership.expanded_members_or_friends(account, network, nil) |> Enum.map(fn({account, _, nick}) -> {nick, get_full_statistics(account.id)} end) |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && (status.active > 0 || status.active30m > 0) end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> status.active end, &>/2) end def get_channel_statistics(_, network, channel), do: get_channel_statistics(network, channel) def get_channel_statistics(network, channel) do Nola.Membership.expanded_members(network, channel) |> Enum.map(fn({account, _, nick}) -> {nick, get_full_statistics(account.id)} end) |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && (status.active > 0 || status.active30m > 0) end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> status.active end, &>/2) end @spec since() :: %{Nola.Account.id() => DateTime.t()} @doc "Returns the last time the user was at 0 g/l" def since() do :ets.foldr(fn({{acct, timestamp_or_date}, _vol, current, _cl, _deg, _name, _comment, _m}, acc) -> if !Map.get(acc, acct) && current == 0 do date = Util.to_date_time(timestamp_or_date) Map.put(acc, acct, date) else acc end end, %{}, __MODULE__.ETS) end def get_full_statistics(nick) do get_full_statistics(data_state(), nick) end defp get_full_statistics(state, nick) do case get_statistics_for_nick(state, nick) do {count, {_, last_at, last_points, last_active, last_cl, last_deg, last_type, last_descr, _meta}} -> {active, active_drinks} = current_alcohol_level(state, nick) {_, m30} = alcohol_level_rising(state, nick) {rising, m15} = alcohol_level_rising(state, nick, 15) {_, m5} = alcohol_level_rising(state, nick, 5) {_, h1} = alcohol_level_rising(state, nick, 60) trend = if rising do "▲" else "▼" end user_state = cond do active <= 0.0 -> :sober active <= 0.25 -> :low active <= 0.50 -> :legal active <= 1.0 -> :legalhigh active <= 2.5 -> :high active < 3 -> :toohigh true -> :sick end rising_file_key = if rising, do: "_rising", else: "" txt_file = "alcoolog." <> "user_" <> to_string(user_state) <> rising_file_key user_status = Nola.Plugins.Txt.random(txt_file) meta = get_user_meta(state, nick) minutes_til_sober = h1/((meta.loss_factor/100)/60) minutes_til_sober = cond do active < 0 -> 0 m15 < 0 -> 15 m30 < 0 -> 30 h1 < 0 -> 60 minutes_til_sober > 0 -> Float.round(minutes_til_sober+60) true -> 0 end duration = Timex.Duration.from_minutes(minutes_til_sober) sober_in_s = if minutes_til_sober > 0 do Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.lformat(duration, "fr", :humanized) else nil end since = if active > 0 do since() |> Map.get(nick) end since_diff = if since, do: Timex.diff(DateTime.utc_now(), since, :minutes) since_duration = if since, do: Timex.Duration.from_minutes(since_diff) since_s = if since, do: Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.lformat(since_duration, "fr", :humanized) {total_volumes, total_gl} = user_stats(state, nick) %{active: active, last_at: last_at, last_cl: last_cl, last_deg: last_deg, last_points: last_points, last_type: last_type, last_descr: last_descr, trend_symbol: trend, active5m: m5, active15m: m15, active30m: m30, active1h: h1, rising: rising, active_drinks: active_drinks, user_status: user_status, daily_gl: total_gl, daily_volumes: total_volumes, sober_in: minutes_til_sober, sober_in_s: sober_in_s, since: since, since_min: since_diff, since_s: since_s, } _ -> nil end end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "sobre", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: args, type: :dot}}}, state) do nicks = Nola.Membership.expanded_members_or_friends(m.account, m.network, m.channel) |> Enum.map(fn({account, _, nick}) -> {nick, get_full_statistics(state, account.id)} end) |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && status.sober_in && status.sober_in > 0 end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> status.sober_in end, & Enum.map(fn({nick, stats}) -> now = DateTime.utc_now() sober = now |> DateTime.add(round(stats.sober_in*60), :second) |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris") at = if now.day == sober.day do {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "aujourd'hui {h24}:{m}", "fr") detail else {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "{WDfull} {h24}:{m}", "fr") detail end "#{nick} sobre #{at} (dans #{stats.sober_in_s})" end) |> Enum.intersperse(", ") |> Enum.join("") |> (fn(line) -> case line do "" -> "tout le monde est sobre......." line -> line end end).() |> m.replyfun.() {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "sobre", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do account = case args do [nick] -> Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(m.network, m.channel, nick) [] -> m.account end if account do user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(m.network, account) nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: account.name) stats = get_full_statistics(state, account.id) if stats && stats.sober_in > 0 do now = DateTime.utc_now() sober = now |> DateTime.add(round(stats.sober_in*60), :second) |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris") at = if now.day == sober.day do {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "aujourd'hui {h24}:{m}", "fr") detail else {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "{WDfull} {h24}:{m}", "fr") detail end m.replyfun.("#{nick} sera sobre #{at} (dans #{stats.sober_in_s})!") else m.replyfun.("#{nick} est déjà sobre. aidez le !") end else m.replyfun.("inconnu") end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: [], type: :dot}}}, state) do nicks = Nola.Membership.expanded_members_or_friends(m.account, m.network, m.channel) |> Enum.map(fn({account, _, nick}) -> {nick, get_full_statistics(state, account.id)} end) |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && (status.active > 0 || status.active30m > 0) end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> status.active end, &>/2) |> Enum.map(fn({nick, status}) -> trend_symbol = if status.active_drinks > 1 do Enum.join(for(_ <- 1..status.active_drinks, do: status.trend_symbol)) else status.trend_symbol end since_str = if status.since_min > 180 do "depuis: #{status.since_s} | " else "" end "#{nick} #{status.user_status} #{trend_symbol} #{Float.round(status.active, 4)} g/l [#{since_str}sobre dans: #{status.sober_in_s}]" end) |> Enum.intersperse(", ") |> Enum.join("") msg = if nicks == "" do "wtf?!?! personne n'a bu!" else nicks end m.replyfun.(msg) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: [time], type: :dot}}}, state) do time = case time do "semaine" -> 7 string -> case Integer.parse(string) do {time, "j"} -> time {time, "J"} -> time _ -> nil end end if time do aday = time*((24 * 60)*60) now = DateTime.utc_now() before = now |> DateTime.add(-aday, :second) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond) over_time_stats(before, time, m, state) else m.replyfun.(".alcooolisme semaine|Xj") end {:noreply, state} end def user_over_time(account, count) do user_over_time(data_state(), account, count) end def user_over_time(state, account, count) do delay = count*((24 * 60)*60) now = DateTime.utc_now() before = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.add(-delay, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond) #[ # {{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, # [{:andalso, {:==, :"$1", :"$1"}, {:<, :"$2", {:const, 3000}}}], [:lol]} #] match = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:andalso, {:>, :"$2", {:const, before}}, {:==, :"$1", {:const, account.id}}}], [:"$_"]} ] :ets.select(state.ets, match) |> Enum.reduce(Map.new, fn({{_, ts}, vol, _, _, _, _, _, _}, acc) -> date = DateTime.from_unix!(ts, :millisecond) |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) date = if date.hour <= 8 do DateTime.add(date, -(60*(60*(date.hour+1))), :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) else date end |> DateTime.to_date() Map.put(acc, date, Map.get(acc, date, 0) + vol) end) end def user_over_time_gl(account, count) do state = data_state() meta = get_user_meta(state, account.id) delay = count*((24 * 60)*60) now = DateTime.utc_now() before = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.add(-delay, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond) #[ # {{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, # [{:andalso, {:==, :"$1", :"$1"}, {:<, :"$2", {:const, 3000}}}], [:lol]} #] match = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:andalso, {:>, :"$2", {:const, before}}, {:==, :"$1", {:const, account.id}}}], [:"$_"]} ] :ets.select(state.ets, match) |> Enum.reduce(Map.new, fn({{_, ts}, vol, _, _, _, _, _, _}, acc) -> date = DateTime.from_unix!(ts, :millisecond) |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) date = if date.hour <= 8 do DateTime.add(date, -(60*(60*(date.hour+1))), :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) else date end |> DateTime.to_date() weight = meta.weight k = if meta.sex, do: 0.7, else: 0.6 gl = (10*vol)/(k*weight) Map.put(acc, date, Map.get(acc, date, 0) + gl) end) end defp over_time_stats(before, j, m, state) do #match = :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {{^nick, date}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) when date > before -> obj end) match = [{{{:_, :"$1"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:>, :"$1", {:const, before}}], [:"$_"]} ] # tuple ets: {{nick, date}, volumes, current, nom, commentaire} members = Nola.Membership.members_or_friends(m.account, m.network, m.channel) drinks = :ets.select(state.ets, match) |> Enum.filter(fn({{account, _}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> Enum.member?(members, account) end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({{_, ts}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> ts end, &>/2) top = Enum.reduce(drinks, %{}, fn({{nick, _}, vol, _, _, _, _, _, _}, acc) -> all = Map.get(acc, nick, 0) Map.put(acc, nick, all + vol) end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_nick, count}) -> count end, &>/2) |> Enum.map(fn({nick, count}) -> account = Nola.Account.get(nick) user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(m.network, account) nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: account.name) "#{nick}: #{Float.round(count, 4)}" end) |> Enum.intersperse(", ") m.replyfun.("sur #{j} jours: #{top}") {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: [], type: :plus}}}, state) do meta = get_user_meta(state, m.account.id) hf = if meta.sex, do: "h", else: "f" m.replyfun.("+alcoolisme sexe: #{hf} poids: #{meta.weight} facteur de perte: #{meta.loss_factor}") {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: [h, weight | rest], type: :plus}}}, state) do h = case h do "h" -> true "f" -> false _ -> nil end weight = case Util.float_paparse(weight) do {weight, _} -> weight _ -> nil end {factor} = case rest do [factor] -> case Util.float_paparse(factor) do {float, _} -> {float} _ -> {@default_user_meta.loss_factor} end _ -> {@default_user_meta.loss_factor} end if h == nil || weight == nil do m.replyfun.("paramètres invalides") else old_meta = get_user_meta(state, m.account.id) meta = Map.merge(@default_user_meta, %{sex: h, weight: weight, loss_factor: factor}) put_user_meta(state, m.account.id, meta) cond do old_meta.weight < meta.weight -> Nola.Plugins.Txt.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.fatter") old_meta.weight == meta.weight -> m.replyfun.("aucun changement!") true -> Nola.Plugins.Txt.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.thinner") end end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "santai", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: args, type: :minus}}}, state) do case get_statistics_for_nick(state, m.account.id) do {_, obj = {_, date, points, _last_active, _cl, _deg, type, descr, _meta}} -> :dets.delete_object(state.dets, obj) :ets.delete(state.ets, {m.account.id, date}) m.replyfun.("supprimé: #{m.sender.nick} #{points} #{type} #{descr}") Nola.Plugins.Txt.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.delete") notify = Nola.Membership.notify_channels(m.account) -- [{m.network,m.channel}] for {net, chan} <- notify do user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(net, m.account) nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: m.account.name) - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, "#{nick} -santai #{points} #{type} #{descr}") + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, "#{nick} -santai #{points} #{type} #{descr}") end {:noreply, state} _ -> {:noreply, state} end end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do {account, duration} = case args do [nick | rest] -> {Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(m.network, m.channel, nick), rest} [] -> {m.account, []} end if account do duration = case duration do ["semaine"] -> 7 [j] -> case Integer.parse(j) do {j, "j"} -> j _ -> nil end _ -> nil end user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(m.network, account) nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: account.name) if duration do if duration > 90 do m.replyfun.("trop gros, ça rentrera pas") else # duration stats stats = user_over_time(state, account, duration) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({k,_v}) -> k end, {:asc, Date}) |> Enum.map(fn({date, count}) -> "#{date.day}: #{Float.round(count, 2)}" end) |> Enum.intersperse(", ") |> Enum.join("") if stats == "" do m.replyfun.("alcoolisme a zéro sur #{duration}j :/") else m.replyfun.("alcoolisme de #{nick}, #{duration} derniers jours: #{stats}") end end else if stats = get_full_statistics(state, account.id) do trend_symbol = if stats.active_drinks > 1 do Enum.join(for(_ <- 1..stats.active_drinks, do: stats.trend_symbol)) else stats.trend_symbol end # TODO: Lookup nick for account_id msg = "#{nick} #{stats.user_status} " <> (if stats.active > 0 || stats.active15m > 0 || stats.active30m > 0 || stats.active1h > 0, do: ": #{trend_symbol} #{Float.round(stats.active, 4)}g/l ", else: "") <> (if stats.active30m > 0 || stats.active1h > 0, do: "(15m: #{stats.active15m}, 30m: #{stats.active30m}, 1h: #{stats.active1h}) ", else: "") <> (if stats.sober_in > 0, do: "— Sobre dans #{stats.sober_in_s} ", else: "") <> (if stats.since && stats.since_min > 180, do: "— Paitai depuis #{stats.since_s} ", else: "") <> "— Dernier verre: #{present_type(stats.last_type, stats.last_descr)} [#{Float.round(stats.last_points+0.0, 4)}] " <> "#{format_duration_from_now(stats.last_at)} " <> (if stats.daily_volumes > 0, do: "— Aujourd'hui: #{stats.daily_volumes} #{stats.daily_gl}g/l", else: "") m.replyfun.(msg) else m.replyfun.("honteux mais #{nick} n'a pas l'air alcoolique du tout. /kick") end end else m.replyfun.("je ne connais pas cet utilisateur") end {:noreply, state} end # Account merge def handle_info({:account_change, old_id, new_id}, state) do spec = [{{:"$1", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, old_id}}], [:"$_"]}] Util.ets_mutate_select_each(:dets, state.dets, spec, fn(table, obj) -> Logger.debug("alcolog/account_change:: merging #{old_id} -> #{new_id}") rename_object_owner(table, state.ets, obj, old_id, new_id) end) case :dets.lookup(state.meta, {:meta, old_id}) do [{_, meta}] -> :dets.delete(state.meta, {:meta, old_id}) :dets.insert(state.meta, {{:meta, new_id}, meta}) _ -> :ok end {:noreply, state} end def terminate(_, state) do for dets <- [state.dets, state.meta] do :dets.sync(dets) :dets.close(dets) end end defp rename_object_owner(table, ets, object = {old_id, date, volume, current, cl, deg, name, comment, meta}, old_id, new_id) do :dets.delete_object(table, object) :ets.delete(ets, {old_id, date}) :dets.insert(table, {new_id, date, volume, current, cl, deg, name, comment, meta}) :ets.insert(ets, {{new_id, date}, volume, current, cl, deg, name, comment, meta}) end # Account: move from nick to account id def handle_info({:accounts, accounts}, state) do #for x={:account, _, _, _, _} <- accounts, do: handle_info(x, state) #{:noreply, state} mapping = Enum.reduce(accounts, Map.new, fn({:account, _net, _chan, nick, account_id}, acc) -> Map.put(acc, String.downcase(nick), account_id) end) spec = [{{:"$1", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [], [:"$_"]}] Logger.debug("accounts:: mappings #{inspect mapping}") Util.ets_mutate_select_each(:dets, state.dets, spec, fn(table, obj = {nick, _date, _vol, _cur, _cl, _deg, _name, _comment, _meta}) -> #Logger.debug("accounts:: item #{inspect(obj)}") if new_id = Map.get(mapping, nick) do Logger.debug("alcolog/accounts:: merging #{nick} -> #{new_id}") rename_object_owner(table, state.ets, obj, nick, new_id) end end) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:account, _net, _chan, nick, account_id}, state) do nick = String.downcase(nick) spec = [{{:"$1", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, nick}}], [:"$_"]}] Util.ets_mutate_select_each(:dets, state.dets, spec, fn(table, obj) -> Logger.debug("alcoolog/account:: merging #{nick} -> #{account_id}") rename_object_owner(table, state.ets, obj, nick, account_id) end) case :dets.lookup(state.meta, {:meta, nick}) do [{_, meta}] -> :dets.delete(state.meta, {:meta, nick}) :dets.insert(state.meta, {{:meta, account_id}, meta}) _ -> :ok end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info(t, state) do Logger.debug("#{__MODULE__}: unhandled info #{inspect t}") {:noreply, state} end def nick_history(account) do spec = [ {{{:"$1", :_}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, account.id}}], [:"$_"]} ] :ets.select(data_state().ets, spec) end defp get_statistics_for_nick(state, account_id) do qvc = :dets.lookup(state.dets, account_id) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, ts, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> ts end, & acc + (points||0) end) last = List.last(qvc) || nil {count, last} end def present_type(type, descr) when descr in [nil, ""], do: "#{type}" def present_type(type, description), do: "#{type} (#{description})" def format_points(int) when is_integer(int) and int > 0 do "+#{Integer.to_string(int)}" end def format_points(int) when is_integer(int) and int < 0 do Integer.to_string(int) end def format_points(int) when is_float(int) and int > 0 do "+#{Float.to_string(Float.round(int,4))}" end def format_points(int) when is_float(int) and int < 0 do Float.to_string(Float.round(int,4)) end def format_points(0), do: "0" def format_points(0.0), do: "0" defp format_relative_timestamp(timestamp) do alias Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters alias Timex.Timezone date = timestamp |> DateTime.from_unix!(:millisecond) |> Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris") {:ok, relative} = Formatters.Relative.relative_to(date, Timex.now("Europe/Paris"), "{relative}", "fr") {:ok, detail} = Formatters.Default.lformat(date, " ({h24}:{m})", "fr") relative <> detail end defp put_user_meta(state, account_id, meta) do :dets.insert(state.meta, {{:meta, account_id}, meta}) :ok end defp get_user_meta(%{meta: meta}, account_id) do case :dets.lookup(meta, {:meta, account_id}) do [{{:meta, _}, meta}] -> Map.merge(@default_user_meta, meta) _ -> @default_user_meta end end # Calcul g/l actuel: # 1. load user meta # 2. foldr ets # for each object # get_current_alcohol # ((object g/l) - 0,15/l/60)* minutes_since_drink # if minutes_since_drink < 10, reduce g/l (?!) # acc + current_alcohol # stop folding when ? # def user_stats(account) do user_stats(data_state(), account.id) end defp user_stats(state = %{ets: ets}, account_id) do meta = get_user_meta(state, account_id) aday = (10 * 60)*60 now = DateTime.utc_now() before = now |> DateTime.add(-aday, :second) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond) #match = :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {{^nick, date}, _, _, _, _}) when date > before -> obj end) match = [ {{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [ {:>, :"$2", {:const, before}}, {:"=:=", {:const, account_id}, :"$1"} ], [:"$_"]} ] # tuple ets: {{nick, date}, volumes, current, nom, commentaire} drinks = :ets.select(ets, match) # {date, single_peak} total_volume = Enum.reduce(drinks, 0.0, fn({{_, date}, volume, _, _, _, _, _, _}, acc) -> acc + volume end) k = if meta.sex, do: 0.7, else: 0.6 weight = meta.weight gl = (10*total_volume)/(k*weight) {Float.round(total_volume + 0.0, 4), Float.round(gl + 0.0, 4)} end defp alcohol_level_rising(state, account_id, minutes \\ 30) do {now, _} = current_alcohol_level(state, account_id) soon_date = DateTime.utc_now |> DateTime.add(minutes*60, :second) {soon, _} = current_alcohol_level(state, account_id, soon_date) soon = cond do soon < 0 -> 0.0 true -> soon end #IO.puts "soon #{soon_date} - #{inspect soon} #{inspect now}" {soon > now, Float.round(soon+0.0, 4)} end defp current_alcohol_level(state = %{ets: ets}, account_id, now \\ nil) do meta = get_user_meta(state, account_id) aday = ((24*7) * 60)*60 now = if now do now else DateTime.utc_now() end before = now |> DateTime.add(-aday, :second) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond) #match = :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {{^nick, date}, _, _, _, _}) when date > before -> obj end) match = [ {{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [ {:>, :"$2", {:const, before}}, {:"=:=", {:const, account_id}, :"$1"} ], [:"$_"]} ] # tuple ets: {{nick, date}, volumes, current, nom, commentaire} drinks = :ets.select(ets, match) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({{_, date}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> date end, & k = if meta.sex, do: 0.7, else: 0.6 weight = meta.weight peak = (10*volume)/(k*weight) date = case date do ts when is_integer(ts) -> DateTime.from_unix!(ts, :millisecond) date = %NaiveDateTime{} -> DateTime.from_naive!(date, "Etc/UTC") date = %DateTime{} -> date end last_at = last_at || date mins_since = round(DateTime.diff(now, date)/60.0) #IO.puts "Drink: #{inspect({date, volume})} - mins since: #{inspect mins_since} - last drink at #{inspect last_at}" # Apply loss since `last_at` on `all` # all = if last_at do mins_since_last = round(DateTime.diff(date, last_at)/60.0) loss = ((meta.loss_factor/100)/60)*(mins_since_last) #IO.puts "Applying last drink loss: from #{all}, loss of #{inspect loss} (mins since #{inspect mins_since_first})" cond do (all-loss) > 0 -> all - loss true -> 0.0 end else all end #IO.puts "Applying last drink current before drink: #{inspect all}" if mins_since < 30 do per_min = (peak)/30.0 current = (per_min*mins_since) #IO.puts "Applying current drink 30m: from #{peak}, loss of #{inspect per_min}/min (mins since #{inspect mins_since})" {all + current, date, [{date, current} | acc], active_drinks + 1} else {all + peak, date, [{date, peak} | acc], active_drinks} end end) #IO.puts "last drink #{inspect last_drink_at}" mins_since_last = if last_drink_at do round(DateTime.diff(now, last_drink_at)/60.0) else 0 end # Si on a déjà bu y'a déjà moins 15 minutes (big up le binge drinking), on applique plus de perte level = if mins_since_last > 15 do loss = ((meta.loss_factor/100)/60)*(mins_since_last) Float.round(all - loss, 4) else all end #IO.puts "\n LEVEL #{inspect level}\n\n\n\n" cond do level < 0 -> {0.0, 0} true -> {level, active_drinks} end end defp format_duration_from_now(date, with_detail \\ true) do date = if is_integer(date) do date = DateTime.from_unix!(date, :millisecond) |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris") else Util.to_naive_date_time(date) end now = DateTime.utc_now() |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris") {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(date, "({h24}:{m})", "fr") mins_since = round(DateTime.diff(now, date)/60.0) if ago = format_minute_duration(mins_since) do word = if mins_since > 0 do "il y a " else "dans " end word <> ago <> if(with_detail, do: " #{detail}", else: "") else "maintenant #{detail}" end end defp format_minute_duration(minutes) do sober_in_s = if (minutes != 0) do duration = Timex.Duration.from_minutes(minutes) Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.lformat(duration, "fr", :humanized) else nil end end end diff --git a/lib/plugins/alcoolog_announcer.ex b/lib/plugins/alcoolog_announcer.ex index 937002e..f172d85 100644 --- a/lib/plugins/alcoolog_announcer.ex +++ b/lib/plugins/alcoolog_announcer.ex @@ -1,269 +1,269 @@ defmodule Nola.Plugins.AlcoologAnnouncer do require Logger @moduledoc """ Annonce changements d'alcoolog """ @channel "#dmz" @seconds 30 @apero [ "C'EST L'HEURE DE L'APÉRRROOOOOOOO !!", "SAAAAANNNNNNNTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII", "APÉRO ? APÉRO !", {:timed, ["/!\\ à vos tires bouchons…", "… débouchez …", "… BUVEZ! SANTAIII!"]}, "/!\\ ALERTE APÉRO /!\\", "CED !!! VASE DE ROUGE !", "DIDI UN PETIT RICARD™??!", "ALLEZ GUIGUI UNE PETITE BIERE ?", {:timed, ["/!\\ à vos tires bouchons…", "… débouchez …", "… BUVEZ! SANTAIII!"]}, "APPPPAIIIRRREAAUUUUUUUUUUU" ] def irc_doc, do: nil def start_link(), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) def log(account) do dets_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoologlog.dets") |> String.to_charlist {:ok, dets} = :dets.open_file(dets_filename, [{:type,:bag}]) from = ~U[2020-08-23 19:41:40.524154Z] to = ~U[2020-08-24 19:41:40.524154Z] select = [ {{:"$1", :"$2", :_}, [ {:andalso, {:andalso, {:==, :"$1", {:const, account.id}}, {:>, :"$2", {:const, DateTime.to_unix(from)}}}, {:<, :"$2", {:const, DateTime.to_unix(to)}}} ], [:"$_"]} ] res = :dets.select(dets, select) :dets.close(dets) res end def init(_) do {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "account", []) stats = get_stats() Process.send_after(self(), :stats, :timer.seconds(30)) dets_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoologlog.dets") |> String.to_charlist {:ok, dets} = :dets.open_file(dets_filename, [{:type,:bag}]) ets = nil # :ets.new(__MODULE__.ETS, [:ordered_set, :named_table, :protected, {:read_concurrency, true}]) {:ok, {stats, now(), dets, ets}}#, {:continue, :traverse}} end def handle_continue(:traverse, state = {_, _, dets, ets}) do traverse_fun = fn(obj, dets) -> case obj do {nick, %DateTime{} = dt, active} -> :dets.delete_object(dets, obj) :dets.insert(dets, {nick, DateTime.to_unix(dt), active}) IO.puts("ok #{inspect obj}") dets {nick, ts, value} -> :ets.insert(ets, { {nick, ts}, value }) dets end end :dets.foldl(traverse_fun, dets, dets) :dets.sync(dets) IO.puts("alcoolog announcer fixed") {:noreply, state} end def alcohol_reached(old, new, level) do (old.active < level && new.active >= level) && (new.active5m >= level) end def alcohol_below(old, new, level) do (old.active > level && new.active <= level) && (new.active5m <= level) end def handle_info(:stats, {old_stats, old_now, dets, ets}) do stats = get_stats() now = now() if old_now.hour < 18 && now.hour == 18 do apero = Enum.shuffle(@apero) |> Enum.random() case apero do {:timed, list} -> spawn(fn() -> for line <- list do - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message("evolu.net", "#dmz", line) + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message("evolu.net", "#dmz", line) :timer.sleep(:timer.seconds(5)) end end) string -> - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message("evolu.net", "#dmz", string) + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message("evolu.net", "#dmz", string) end end #IO.puts "newstats #{inspect stats}" events = for {acct, old} <- old_stats do new = Map.get(stats, acct, nil) #IO.puts "#{acct}: #{inspect(old)} -> #{inspect(new)}" now = DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now()) if new && new[:active] do :dets.insert(dets, {acct, now, new[:active]}) :ets.insert(ets, {{acct, now}, new[:active]}) else :dets.insert(dets, {acct, now, 0.0}) :ets.insert(ets, {{acct, now}, new[:active]}) end event = cond do old == nil -> nil (old.active > 0) && (new == nil) -> :sober new == nil -> nil alcohol_reached(old, new, 0.5) -> :stopconduire alcohol_reached(old, new, 1.0) -> :g1 alcohol_reached(old, new, 2.0) -> :g2 alcohol_reached(old, new, 3.0) -> :g3 alcohol_reached(old, new, 4.0) -> :g4 alcohol_reached(old, new, 5.0) -> :g5 alcohol_reached(old, new, 6.0) -> :g6 alcohol_reached(old, new, 7.0) -> :g7 alcohol_reached(old, new, 10.0) -> :g10 alcohol_reached(old, new, 13.74) -> :record alcohol_below(old, new, 0.5) -> :conduire alcohol_below(old, new, 1.0) -> :fini1g alcohol_below(old, new, 2.0) -> :fini2g alcohol_below(old, new, 3.0) -> :fini3g alcohol_below(old, new, 4.0) -> :fini4g (old.rising) && (!new.rising) -> :lowering true -> nil end {acct, event} end for {acct, event} <- events do message = case event do :g1 -> [ "[vigicuite jaune] LE GRAMME! LE GRAMME O/", "début de vigicuite jaune ! LE GRAMME ! \\O/", "waiiiiiiii le grammmeee", "bourraiiiiiiiiiiide 1 grammeeeeeeeeeee", ] :g2 -> [ "[vigicuite orange] \\o_YAY 2 GRAMMES ! _o/", "PAITAIIIIIIIIII DEUX GRAMMEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS", "bourrrrrraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide 2 grammeeeeeeeeeees", ] :g3 -> [ "et un ! et deux ! et TROIS GRAMMEEESSSSSSS", "[vigicuite rouge] _o/ BOURRAIIDDDEEEE 3 GRAMMESSSSSSSSS \\o/ \\o/" ] :g4 -> [ "[vigicuite écarlate] et un, et deux, et trois, ET QUATRES GRAMMEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssss" ] :g5 -> "[vigicuite écarlate+] PUTAIN 5 GRAMMES !" :g6 -> "[vigicuite écarlate++] 6 grammes ? Vous pouvez joindre Alcool info service au 0 980 980 930" :g7 -> "[vigicuite c'est la merde] 7 grammes. Le SAMU, c'est le 15." :g10 -> "BORDLE 10 GRAMMES" :record -> "RECORD DU MONDE BATTU ! >13.74g/l !!" :fini1g -> [ "fin d'alerte vigicuite jaune, passage en vert (<1g/l)", "/!\\ alerte moins de 1g/l /!\\" ] :fini2g -> [ "t'as moins de 2 g/l, faut se reprendre là [vigicuite jaune]" ] :fini3g -> [ "fin d'alerte vigicuite rouge, passage en orange (<3g/l)" ] :fini4g -> [ "fin d'alerte vigicuite écarlate, passage en rouge (<4g/l)" ] :lowering -> [ "attention ça baisse!", "tu vas quand même pas en rester là ?", "IL FAUT CONTINUER À BOIRE !", "t'abandonnes déjà ?", "!santai ?", "faut pas en rester là", "il faut se resservir", "coucou faut reboire", "encore un petit verre ?", "abwaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr", "taux d'alcoolémie en chute ! agissez avant qu'il soit trop tard!", "ÇA BAISSE !!" ] :stopconduire -> [ "0.5g! bientot le gramme?", "tu peux plus prendre la route... mais... tu peux prendre la route du gramme! !santai !", "fini la conduite!", "0.5! continues faut pas en rester là!", "beau début, continues !", "ça monte! 0.5g/l!" ] :conduire -> [ "tu peux conduire, ou recommencer à boire! niveau critique!", "!santai ?", "tu peux reprendre la route, ou reprendre la route du gramme..", "attention, niveau critique!", "il faut boire !!", "trop de sang dans ton alcool, c'est mauvais pour la santé", "faut pas en rester là !", ] :sober -> [ "sobre…", "/!\\ alerte sobriété /!\\", "... sobre?!?!", "sobre :(", "attention, t'es sobre :/", "danger, alcoolémie à 0.0 !", "sobre! c'était bien on recommence quand ?", "sobre ? Faut recommencer...", "T'es sobre. Ne te laisses pas abattre- ton caviste peut aider.", "Vous êtes sobre ? Ceci n'est pas une fatalité - resservez vous vite !" ] _ -> nil end message = case message do m when is_binary(m) -> m m when is_list(m) -> m |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.random() nil -> nil end if message do #IO.puts("#{acct}: #{message}") account = Nola.Account.get(acct) for {net, chan} <- Nola.Membership.notify_channels(account) do user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(net, account) nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: account.name) - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, "#{nick}: #{message}") + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, "#{nick}: #{message}") end end end timer() #IO.puts "tick stats ok" {:noreply, {stats,now,dets,ets}} end def handle_info(_, state) do {:noreply, state} end defp now() do DateTime.utc_now() |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris") end defp get_stats() do Enum.into(Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.get_all_stats(), %{}) end defp timer() do Process.send_after(self(), :stats, :timer.seconds(@seconds)) end end diff --git a/lib/plugins/say.ex b/lib/plugins/say.ex index 9bfe1bd..3df3ac8 100644 --- a/lib/plugins/say.ex +++ b/lib/plugins/say.ex @@ -1,73 +1,73 @@ defmodule Nola.Plugins.Say do def irc_doc do """ # say Say something... * **!say `` ``** say something on `channel` * **!asay `` ``** same but anonymously You must be a member of the channel. """ end def start_link() do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end def init([]) do regopts = [type: __MODULE__] {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "trigger:say", regopts) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "trigger:asay", regopts) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "messages:private", regopts) {:ok, nil} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "say", m = %{trigger: %{type: :bang, args: [target | text]}}}, state) do text = Enum.join(text, " ") say_for(m.account, target, text, true) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "asay", m = %{trigger: %{type: :bang, args: [target | text]}}}, state) do text = Enum.join(text, " ") say_for(m.account, target, text, false) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %{text: "say "<>rest}}, state) do case String.split(rest, " ", parts: 2) do [target, text] -> say_for(m.account, target, text, true) _ -> nil end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %{text: "asay "<>rest}}, state) do case String.split(rest, " ", parts: 2) do [target, text] -> say_for(m.account, target, text, false) _ -> nil end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info(_, state) do {:noreply, state} end defp say_for(account, target, text, with_nick?) do for {net, chan} <- Nola.Membership.of_account(account) do chan2 = String.replace(chan, "#", "") if (target == "#{net}/#{chan}" || target == "#{net}/#{chan2}" || target == chan || target == chan2) do if with_nick? do IRC.send_message_as(account, net, chan, text) else - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, text) + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, text) end end end end end diff --git a/lib/plugins/sms.ex b/lib/plugins/sms.ex index a3b7b7d..8dd15ad 100644 --- a/lib/plugins/sms.ex +++ b/lib/plugins/sms.ex @@ -1,165 +1,165 @@ defmodule Nola.Plugins.Sms do @moduledoc """ ## sms * **!sms `` ``** envoie un SMS. """ def short_irc_doc, do: false def irc_doc, do: @moduledoc require Logger def incoming(from, "enable "<>key) do key = String.trim(key) account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("sms-validation-code", String.downcase(key)) if account do net = Nola.Account.get_meta(account, "sms-validation-target") Nola.Account.put_meta(account, "sms-number", from) Nola.Account.delete_meta(account, "sms-validation-code") Nola.Account.delete_meta(account, "sms-validation-number") Nola.Account.delete_meta(account, "sms-validation-target") - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, account, "SMS Number #{from} added!") + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(net, account, "SMS Number #{from} added!") send_sms(from, "Yay! Number linked to account #{account.name}") end end def incoming(from, message) do account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("sms-number", from) if account do reply_fun = fn(text) -> send_sms(from, text) end - trigger_text = if Enum.any?(IRC.Connection.triggers(), fn({trigger, _}) -> String.starts_with?(message, trigger) end) do + trigger_text = if Enum.any?(Nola.Irc.Connection.triggers(), fn({trigger, _}) -> String.starts_with?(message, trigger) end) do message else "!"<>message end message = %Nola.Message{ id: FlakeId.get(), transport: :sms, network: "sms", channel: nil, text: message, account: account, sender: %ExIRC.SenderInfo{nick: account.name}, replyfun: reply_fun, - trigger: IRC.Connection.extract_trigger(trigger_text) + trigger: Nola.Irc.Connection.extract_trigger(trigger_text) } Logger.debug("converted sms to message: #{inspect message}") - IRC.Connection.publish(message, ["messages:sms"]) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish(message, ["messages:sms"]) message end end def my_number() do Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:nola, :sms, []), :number, "+33000000000") end def start_link() do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end def path() do account = Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:nola, :sms), :account) "https://eu.api.ovh.com/1.0/sms/#{account}" end def path(rest) do Path.join(path(), rest) end def send_sms(number, text) do url = path("/virtualNumbers/#{my_number()}/jobs") body = %{ "message" => text, "receivers" => [number], #"senderForResponse" => true, #"noStopClause" => true, "charset" => "UTF-8", "coding" => "8bit" } |> Poison.encode!() headers = [{"content-type", "application/json"}] ++ sign("POST", url, body) options = [] case HTTPoison.post(url, body, headers, options) do {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200}} -> :ok {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: code} = resp} -> Logger.error("SMS Error: #{inspect resp}") {:error, code} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end def init([]) do {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "trigger:sms", [plugin: __MODULE__]) :ok = register_ovh_callback() {:ok, %{}} :ignore end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "sms", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{type: :bang, args: [nick | text]}}}, state) do with \ {:tree, false} <- {:tree, m.sender.nick == "Tree"}, {_, %Nola.Account{} = account} <- {:account, Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(m.network, m.channel, nick)}, {_, number} when not is_nil(number) <- {:number, Nola.Account.get_meta(account, "sms-number")} do text = Enum.join(text, " ") sender = if m.channel do "#{m.channel} <#{m.sender.nick}> " else "<#{m.sender.nick}> " end case send_sms(number, sender<>text) do :ok -> m.replyfun.("sent!") {:error, error} -> m.replyfun.("not sent, error: #{inspect error}") end else {:tree, _} -> m.replyfun.("Tree: va en enfer") {:account, _} -> m.replyfun.("#{nick} not known") {:number, _} -> m.replyfun.("#{nick} have not enabled sms") end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info(msg, state) do {:noreply, state} end defp register_ovh_callback() do url = path() body = %{ "callBack" =>NolaWeb.Router.Helpers.sms_url(NolaWeb.Endpoint, :ovh_callback), "smsResponse" => %{ "cgiUrl" => NolaWeb.Router.Helpers.sms_url(NolaWeb.Endpoint, :ovh_callback), "responseType" => "cgi" } } |> Poison.encode!() headers = [{"content-type", "application/json"}] ++ sign("PUT", url, body) options = [] case HTTPoison.put(url, body, headers, options) do {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200}} -> :ok error -> error end end defp sign(method, url, body) do ts = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_unix() as = env(:app_secret) ck = env(:consumer_key) sign = Enum.join([as, ck, String.upcase(method), url, body, ts], "+") sign_hex = :crypto.hash(:sha, sign) |> Base.encode16(case: :lower) headers = [{"X-OVH-Application", env(:app_key)}, {"X-OVH-Timestamp", ts}, {"X-OVH-Signature", "$1$"<>sign_hex}, {"X-Ovh-Consumer", ck}] end def parse_number(num) do {:error, :todo} end defp env() do Application.get_env(:nola, :sms) end defp env(key) do Keyword.get(env(), key) end end diff --git a/lib/plugins/tell.ex b/lib/plugins/tell.ex index bc1f24e..b4d05dc 100644 --- a/lib/plugins/tell.ex +++ b/lib/plugins/tell.ex @@ -1,106 +1,106 @@ defmodule Nola.Plugins.Tell do use GenServer @moduledoc """ # Tell * **!tell `` ``**: tell `message` to `nick` when they reconnect. """ def irc_doc, do: @moduledoc def start_link() do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end def dets do (Nola.data_path() <> "/tell.dets") |> String.to_charlist() end def tell(m, target, message) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:tell, m, target, message}) end def init([]) do regopts = [plugin: __MODULE__] {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "account", regopts) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "trigger:tell", regopts) {:ok, dets} = :dets.open_file(dets(), [type: :bag]) {:ok, %{dets: dets}} end def handle_cast({:tell, m, target, message}, state) do do_tell(state, m, target, message) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "tell", m = %Nola.Message{trigger: %Nola.Trigger{type: :bang, args: [target | message]}}}, state) do do_tell(state, m, target, message) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:account, network, channel, nick, account_id}, state) do messages = :dets.lookup(state.dets, {network, channel, account_id}) if messages != [] do strs = Enum.map(messages, fn({_, from, message, at}) -> account = Nola.Account.get(from) user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(network, account) fromnick = if user, do: user.nick, else: account.name "#{nick}: <#{fromnick}> #{message}" end) - Enum.each(strs, fn(s) -> IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(network, channel, s) end) + Enum.each(strs, fn(s) -> Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(network, channel, s) end) :dets.delete(state.dets, {network, channel, account_id}) end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:account_change, old_id, new_id}, state) do #:ets.fun2ms(fn({ {_net, _chan, target_id}, from_id, _, _} = obj) when (target_id == old_id) or (from_id == old_id) -> obj end) spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2", :"$3"}, :"$4", :_, :_}, [{:orelse, {:==, :"$3", {:const, old_id}}, {:==, :"$4", {:const, old_id}}}], [:"$_"]}] Util.ets_mutate_select_each(:dets, state.dets, spec, fn(table, obj) -> case obj do { {net, chan, ^old_id}, from_id, message, at } = obj -> :dets.delete(obj) :dets.insert(table, {{net, chan, new_id}, from_id, message, at}) {key, ^old_id, message, at} = obj -> :dets.delete(table, obj) :dets.insert(table, {key, new_id, message, at}) _ -> :ok end end) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info(info, state) do {:noreply, state} end def terminate(_, state) do :dets.close(state.dets) :ok end defp do_tell(state, m, nick_target, message) do target = Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(m.network, m.channel, nick_target) message = Enum.join(message, " ") with \ {:target, %Nola.Account{} = target} <- {:target, target}, {:same, false} <- {:same, target.id == m.account.id}, target_user = Nola.UserTrack.find_by_account(m.network, target), target_nick = if(target_user, do: target_user.nick, else: target.name), present? = if(target_user, do: Map.has_key?(target_user.last_active, m.channel)), {:absent, true, _} <- {:absent, !present?, target_nick}, {:message, message} <- {:message, message} do obj = { {m.network, m.channel, target.id}, m.account.id, message, NaiveDateTime.utc_now()} :dets.insert(state.dets, obj) m.replyfun.("will tell to #{target_nick}") else {:same, _} -> m.replyfun.("are you so stupid that you need a bot to tell yourself things ?") {:target, _} -> m.replyfun.("#{nick_target} unknown") {:absent, _, nick} -> m.replyfun.("#{nick} is here, tell yourself!") {:message, _} -> m.replyfun.("can't tell without a message") end end end diff --git a/lib/telegram.ex b/lib/telegram.ex index 9a2812d..dcd8b1f 100644 --- a/lib/telegram.ex +++ b/lib/telegram.ex @@ -1,233 +1,233 @@ defmodule Nola.Telegram do require Logger @behaviour Telegram.ChatBot def my_path() do "https://t.me/beauttebot" end def send_message(id, text, md2 \\ false) do md = if md2, do: "MarkdownV2", else: "Markdown" token = Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:nola, :telegram, []), :key) Telegram.Bot.ChatBot.Chat.Session.Supervisor.start_child(Nola.Telegram, id) Telegram.Api.request(token, "sendMessage", chat_id: id, text: text, parse_mode: "Markdown") end @impl Telegram.ChatBot def init(chat_id) when chat_id < 0 do {:ok, state} = Nola.TelegramRoom.init(chat_id) {:ok, %{room_state: state}} end def init(chat_id) do Logger.info("Telegram session starting: #{chat_id}") account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("telegram-id", chat_id) account_id = if account, do: account.id {:ok, %{account: account_id}} end @impl Telegram.ChatBot def handle_update(update, token, %{room_state: room_state}) do {:ok, room_state} = Nola.TelegramRoom.handle_update(update, token, room_state) {:ok, %{room_state: room_state}} end def handle_update(%{"message" => m = %{"chat" => %{"type" => "private"}, "text" => text = "/start"<>_}}, _token, state) do text = "*Welcome to beautte!*\n\nQuery the bot on IRC and say \"enable-telegram\" to continue." send_message(m["chat"]["id"], text) {:ok, %{account: nil}} end def handle_update(%{"message" => m = %{"chat" => %{"type" => "private"}, "text" => text = "/enable"<>_}}, _token, state) do key = case String.split(text, " ") do ["/enable", key | _] -> key _ -> "nil" end #Handled message "1247435154:AAGnSSCnySn0RuVxy_SUcDEoOX_rbF6vdq0" %{"message" => # %{"chat" => %{"first_name" => "J", "id" => 2075406, "type" => "private", "username" => "ahref"}, # "date" => 1591027272, "entities" => # [%{"length" => 7, "offset" => 0, "type" => "bot_command"}], # "from" => %{"first_name" => "J", "id" => 2075406, "is_bot" => false, "language_code" => "en", "username" => "ahref"}, # "message_id" => 11, "text" => "/enable salope"}, "update_id" => 764148578} account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("telegram-validation-code", String.downcase(key)) text = if account do net = Nola.Account.get_meta(account, "telegram-validation-target") Nola.Account.put_meta(account, "telegram-id", m["chat"]["id"]) Nola.Account.put_meta(account, "telegram-username", m["chat"]["username"]) Nola.Account.put_meta(account, "telegram-username", m["chat"]["username"]) Nola.Account.delete_meta(account, "telegram-validation-code") Nola.Account.delete_meta(account, "telegram-validation-target") - IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, account, "Telegram #{m["chat"]["username"]} account added!") + Nola.Irc.Connection.broadcast_message(net, account, "Telegram #{m["chat"]["username"]} account added!") "Yay! Linked to account **#{account.name}**." else "Token invalid" end send_message(m["chat"]["id"], text) {:ok, %{account: account.id}} end #[debug] Unhandled update: %{"message" => # %{"chat" => %{"first_name" => "J", "id" => 2075406, "type" => "private", "username" => "ahref"}, # "date" => 1591096015, # "from" => %{"first_name" => "J", "id" => 2075406, "is_bot" => false, "language_code" => "en", "username" => "ahref"}, # "message_id" => 29, # "photo" => [ # %{"file_id" => "AgACAgQAAxkBAAMdXtYyz4RQqLcpOlR6xKK3w3NayHAAAnCzMRuL4bFSgl_cTXMl4m5G_T0kXQADAQADAgADbQADZVMBAAEaBA", # "file_size" => 9544, "file_unique_id" => "AQADRv09JF0AA2VTAQAB", "height" => 95, "width" => 320}, # %{"file_id" => "AgACAgQAAxkBAAMdXtYyz4RQqLcpOlR6xKK3w3NayHAAAnCzMRuL4bFSgl_cTXMl4m5G_T0kXQADAQADAgADeAADZFMBAAEaBA", # "file_size" => 21420, "file_unique_id" => "AQADRv09JF0AA2RTAQAB", "height" => 148, "width" => 501}]}, # "update_id" => 218161546} for type <- ~w(photo voice video document animation) do def handle_update(data = %{"message" => %{unquote(type) => _}}, token, state) do start_upload(unquote(type), data, token, state) end end #[debug] Unhandled update: %{"callback_query" => # %{ # "chat_instance" => "-7948978714441865930", "data" => "evolu.net/#dmz", # "from" => %{"first_name" => "J", "id" => 2075406, "is_bot" => false, "language_code" => "en", "username" => "ahref"}, # "id" => "8913804780149600", # "message" => %{"chat" => %{"first_name" => "J", "id" => 2075406, "type" => "private", "username" => "ahref"}, # "date" => 1591098553, "from" => %{"first_name" => "devbeautte", "id" => 1293058838, "is_bot" => true, "username" => "devbeauttebot"}, # "message_id" => 62, # "reply_markup" => %{"inline_keyboard" => [[%{"callback_data" => "random/#", "text" => "random/#"}, # %{"callback_data" => "evolu.net/#dmz", "text" => "evolu.net/#dmz"}]]}, # "text" => "Where should I send the file?"} # } # , "update_id" => 218161568} #def handle_update(t, %{"callback_query" => cb = %{"data" => "resend", "id" => id, "message" => m = %{"message_id" => m_id, "chat" => %{"id" => chat_id}, "reply_to_message" => op}}}) do #end def handle_update(%{"callback_query" => cb = %{"data" => "start-upload:"<>target, "id" => id, "message" => m = %{"message_id" => m_id, "chat" => %{"id" => chat_id}, "reply_to_message" => op}}}, t, state) do account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("telegram-id", chat_id) if account do target = case String.split(target, "/") do ["everywhere"] -> Nola.Membership.of_account(account) [net, chan] -> [{net, chan}] end Telegram.Api.request(t, "editMessageText", chat_id: chat_id, message_id: m_id, text: "Processing...", reply_markup: %{}) {content, type} = cond do op["photo"] -> {op["photo"], ""} op["voice"] -> {op["voice"], " a voice message"} op["video"] -> {op["video"], ""} op["document"] -> {op["document"], ""} op["animation"] -> {op["animation"], ""} end file = if is_list(content) && Enum.count(content) > 1 do Enum.sort_by(content, fn(p) -> p["file_size"] end, &>=/2) |> List.first() else content end file_id = file["file_id"] file_unique_id = file["file_unique_id"] text = if(op["caption"], do: ": "<> op["caption"] <> "", else: "") resend = %{"inline_keyboard" => [ [%{"text" => "re-share", "callback_data" => "resend"}] ]} spawn(fn() -> with \ {:ok, file} <- Telegram.Api.request(t, "getFile", file_id: file_id), path = "https://api.telegram.org/file/bot#{t}/#{file["file_path"]}", {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} <- HTTPoison.get(path), <> = body, {:ok, magic} <- GenMagic.Pool.perform(Nola.GenMagic, {:bytes, smol_body}), bucket = Application.get_env(:nola, :s3, []) |> Keyword.get(:bucket), ext = Path.extname(file["file_path"]), s3path = "#{account.id}/#{file_unique_id}#{ext}", Telegram.Api.request(t, "editMessageText", chat_id: chat_id, message_id: m_id, text: "*Uploading...*", reply_markup: %{}, parse_mode: "MarkdownV2"), s3req = ExAws.S3.put_object(bucket, s3path, body, acl: :public_read, content_type: magic.mime_type), {:ok, _} <- ExAws.request(s3req) do path = NolaWeb.Router.Helpers.url(NolaWeb.Endpoint) <> "/files/#{s3path}" sent = for {net, chan} <- target do txt = "sent#{type}#{text} #{path}" IRC.send_message_as(account, net, chan, txt) "#{net}/#{chan}" end if caption = op["caption"], do: as_irc_message(chat_id, caption, account) text = "Sent on " <> Enum.join(sent, ", ") <> " !" Telegram.Api.request(t, "editMessageText", chat_id: chat_id, message_id: m_id, text: "_Sent!_", reply_markup: %{}, parse_mode: "MarkdownV2") else error -> Telegram.Api.request(t, "editMessageText", chat_id: chat_id, message_id: m_id, text: "Something failed.", reply_markup: %{}, parse_mode: "MarkdownV2") Logger.error("Failed upload from Telegram: #{inspect error}") end end) end {:ok, state} end def handle_update(%{"message" => m = %{"chat" => %{"id" => id, "type" => "private"}, "text" => text}}, _, state) do account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("telegram-id", id) if account do as_irc_message(id, text, account) end {:ok, state} end def handle_update(m, _, state) do Logger.debug("Unhandled update: #{inspect m}") {:ok, state} end @impl Telegram.ChatBot def handle_info(info, %{room_state: room_state}) do {:ok, room_state} = Nola.TelegramRoom.handle_info(info, room_state) {:ok, %{room_state: room_state}} end def handle_info(_info, state) do {:ok, state} end defp as_irc_message(id, text, account) do reply_fun = fn(text) -> send_message(id, text) end trigger_text = cond do String.starts_with?(text, "/") -> "/"<>text = text "!"<>text - Enum.any?(IRC.Connection.triggers(), fn({trigger, _}) -> String.starts_with?(text, trigger) end) -> + Enum.any?(Nola.Irc.Connection.triggers(), fn({trigger, _}) -> String.starts_with?(text, trigger) end) -> text true -> "!"<>text end message = %Nola.Message{ id: FlakeId.get(), transport: :telegram, network: "telegram", channel: nil, text: text, account: account, sender: %ExIRC.SenderInfo{nick: account.name}, replyfun: reply_fun, - trigger: IRC.Connection.extract_trigger(trigger_text), + trigger: Nola.Irc.Connection.extract_trigger(trigger_text), at: nil } - IRC.Connection.publish(message, ["messages:private", "messages:telegram", "telegram/#{account.id}:messages"]) + Nola.Irc.Connection.publish(message, ["messages:private", "messages:telegram", "telegram/#{account.id}:messages"]) message end defp start_upload(_type, %{"message" => m = %{"chat" => %{"id" => id, "type" => "private"}}}, token, state) do account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("telegram-id", id) if account do text = if(m["text"], do: m["text"], else: nil) targets = Nola.Membership.of_account(account) |> Enum.map(fn({net, chan}) -> "#{net}/#{chan}" end) |> Enum.map(fn(i) -> %{"text" => i, "callback_data" => "start-upload:#{i}"} end) kb = if Enum.count(targets) > 1 do [%{"text" => "everywhere", "callback_data" => "start-upload:everywhere"}] ++ targets else targets end |> Enum.chunk_every(2) keyboard = %{"inline_keyboard" => kb} Telegram.Api.request(token, "sendMessage", chat_id: id, text: "Where should I send this file?", reply_markup: keyboard, reply_to_message_id: m["message_id"], parse_mode: "MarkdownV2") end {:ok, state} end end diff --git a/lib/telegram/room.ex b/lib/telegram/room.ex index 8e95ca8..f3c3715 100644 --- a/lib/telegram/room.ex +++ b/lib/telegram/room.ex @@ -1,188 +1,188 @@ defmodule Nola.TelegramRoom do require Logger @behaviour Telegram.ChatBot alias Telegram.Api @couch "bot-telegram-rooms" def rooms(), do: rooms(:with_docs) @spec rooms(:with_docs | :ids) :: [Map.t | integer( )] def rooms(:with_docs) do case Couch.get(@couch, :all_docs, include_docs: true) do {:ok, %{"rows" => rows}} -> {:ok, for(%{"doc" => doc} <- rows, do: doc)} error = {:error, _} -> error end end def rooms(:ids) do case Couch.get(@couch, :all_docs) do {:ok, %{"rows" => rows}} -> {:ok, for(%{"id" => id} <- rows, do: id)} error = {:error, _} -> error end end def room(id, opts \\ []) do Couch.get(@couch, id, opts) end # TODO: Create couch def setup() do :ok end def after_start() do for id <- room(:ids), do: Telegram.Bot.ChatBot.Chat.Session.Supervisor.start_child(Nola.Telegram, Integer.parse(id) |> elem(0)) end @impl Telegram.ChatBot def init(id) when is_integer(id) and id < 0 do token = Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:nola, :telegram, []), :key) {:ok, chat} = Api.request(token, "getChat", chat_id: id) Logger.metadata(transport: :telegram, id: id, telegram_room_id: id) tg_room = case room(id) do {:ok, tg_room = %{"network" => _net, "channel" => _chan}} -> tg_room {:error, :not_found} -> [net, chan] = String.split(chat["title"], "/", parts: 2) - {net, chan} = case IRC.Connection.get_network(net, chan) do - %IRC.Connection{} -> {net, chan} + {net, chan} = case Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(net, chan) do + %Nola.Irc.Connection{} -> {net, chan} _ -> {nil, nil} end {:ok, _id, _rev} = Couch.post(@couch, %{"_id" => id, "network" => net, "channel" => nil}) {:ok, tg_room} = room(id) tg_room end %{"network" => net, "channel" => chan} = tg_room Logger.info("Starting ChatBot for room #{id} \"#{chat["title"]}\" #{inspect tg_room}") irc_plumbed = if net && chan do {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "#{net}/#{chan}:messages", plugin: __MODULE__) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "#{net}/#{chan}:triggers", plugin: __MODULE__) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "#{net}/#{chan}:outputs", plugin: __MODULE__) true else Logger.warn("Did not found telegram match for #{id} \"#{chat["title"]}\"") false end {:ok, %{id: id, net: net, chan: chan, irc: irc_plumbed}} end def init(id) do Logger.error("telegram_room: bad id (not room id)", transport: :telegram, id: id, telegram_room_id: id) :ignoree end defp find_or_create_meta_account(from = %{"id" => user_id}, state) do if account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("telegram-id", user_id) do account else first_name = Map.get(from, "first_name") last_name = Map.get(from, "last_name") name = [first_name, last_name] |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> Enum.join(" ") username = Map.get(from, "username", first_name) account = username |> Nola.Account.new_account() |> Nola.Account.update_account_name(name) |> Nola.Account.put_meta("telegram-id", user_id) Logger.info("telegram_room: created account #{account.id} for telegram user #{user_id}") account end end def handle_update(%{"message" => %{"from" => from = %{"id" => user_id}, "text" => text}}, _token, state) do account = find_or_create_meta_account(from, state) - connection = IRC.Connection.get_network(state.net) + connection = Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(state.net) IRC.send_message_as(account, state.net, state.chan, text, true) {:ok, state} end def handle_update(data = %{"message" => %{"from" => from = %{"id" => user_id}, "location" => %{"latitude" => lat, "longitude" => lon}}}, _token, state) do account = find_or_create_meta_account(from, state) - connection = IRC.Connection.get_network(state.net) + connection = Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(state.net) IRC.send_message_as(account, state.net, state.chan, "@ #{lat}, #{lon}", true) {:ok, state} end for type <- ~w(photo voice video document animation) do def handle_update(data = %{"message" => %{unquote(type) => _}}, token, state) do upload(unquote(type), data, token, state) end end def handle_update(update, token, state) do {:ok, state} end def handle_info({:irc, _, _, message}, state) do handle_info({:irc, nil, message}, state) end def handle_info({:irc, _, message = %Nola.Message{sender: %{nick: nick}, text: text}}, state) do if Map.get(message.meta, :from) == self() do else body = if Map.get(message.meta, :self), do: text, else: "<#{nick}> #{text}" Nola.Telegram.send_message(state.id, body) end {:ok, state} end def handle_info(info, state) do Logger.info("UNhandled #{inspect info}") {:ok, state} end defp upload(_type, %{"message" => m = %{"chat" => %{"id" => chat_id}, "from" => from = %{"id" => user_id}}}, token, state) do account = find_or_create_meta_account(from, state) if account do {content, type} = cond do m["photo"] -> {m["photo"], "photo"} m["voice"] -> {m["voice"], "voice message"} m["video"] -> {m["video"], "video"} m["document"] -> {m["document"], "file"} m["animation"] -> {m["animation"], "gif"} end file = if is_list(content) && Enum.count(content) > 1 do Enum.sort_by(content, fn(p) -> p["file_size"] end, &>=/2) |> List.first() else content end file_id = file["file_id"] file_unique_id = file["file_unique_id"] text = if(m["caption"], do: m["caption"] <> " ", else: "") spawn(fn() -> with \ {:ok, file} <- Telegram.Api.request(token, "getFile", file_id: file_id), path = "https://api.telegram.org/file/bot#{token}/#{file["file_path"]}", {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} <- HTTPoison.get(path), <> = body, {:ok, magic} <- GenMagic.Pool.perform(Nola.GenMagic, {:bytes, smol_body}), bucket = Application.get_env(:nola, :s3, []) |> Keyword.get(:bucket), ext = Path.extname(file["file_path"]), s3path = "#{account.id}/#{file_unique_id}#{ext}", s3req = ExAws.S3.put_object(bucket, s3path, body, acl: :public_read, content_type: magic.mime_type), {:ok, _} <- ExAws.request(s3req) do path = NolaWeb.Router.Helpers.url(NolaWeb.Endpoint) <> "/files/#{s3path}" txt = "#{type}: #{text}#{path}" - connection = IRC.Connection.get_network(state.net) + connection = Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(state.net) IRC.send_message_as(account, state.net, state.chan, txt, true) else error -> Telegram.Api.request(token, "sendMessage", chat_id: chat_id, text: "File upload failed, sorry.") Logger.error("Failed upload from Telegram: #{inspect error}") end end) {:ok, state} end end end diff --git a/lib/web/context_plug.ex b/lib/web/context_plug.ex index fcdf42f..0a16340 100644 --- a/lib/web/context_plug.ex +++ b/lib/web/context_plug.ex @@ -1,92 +1,92 @@ defmodule NolaWeb.ContextPlug do import Plug.Conn import Phoenix.Controller def init(opts \\ []) do opts || [] end def get_account(conn) do cond do get_session(conn, :account) -> get_session(conn, :account) get_session(conn, :oidc_id) -> if account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("identity-id", get_session(conn, :oidc_id)), do: account.id true -> nil end end def call(conn, opts) do account = with \ {:account, account_id} when is_binary(account_id) <- {:account, get_account(conn)}, {:account, account} when not is_nil(account) <- {:account, Nola.Account.get(account_id)} do account else _ -> nil end network = Map.get(conn.params, "network") network = if network == "-", do: nil, else: network oidc_account = Nola.Account.find_meta_account("identity-id", get_session(conn, :oidc_id)) - conns = IRC.Connection.get_network(network) + conns = Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(network) chan = if c = Map.get(conn.params, "chan") do NolaWeb.reformat_chan(c) end - chan_conn = IRC.Connection.get_network(network, chan) + chan_conn = Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(network, chan) memberships = if account do Nola.Membership.of_account(account) end auth_required = cond do Keyword.get(opts, :restrict) == :public -> false account == nil -> true network == nil -> false Keyword.get(opts, :restrict) == :logged_in -> false network && chan -> !Enum.member?(memberships, {network, chan}) network -> !Enum.any?(memberships, fn({n, _}) -> n == network end) end bot = cond do network && chan && chan_conn -> chan_conn.nick network && conns -> conns.nick true -> nil end cond do account && auth_required -> conn |> put_status(404) |> text("Page not found") |> halt() auth_required -> conn |> put_status(403) |> render(NolaWeb.AlcoologView, "auth.html", bot: bot, no_header: true, network: network) |> halt() (network && !conns) -> conn |> put_status(404) |> text("Page not found") |> halt() (chan && !chan_conn) -> conn |> put_status(404) |> text("Page not found") |> halt() true -> conn = conn |> assign(:network, network) |> assign(:chan, chan) |> assign(:bot, bot) |> assign(:account, account) |> assign(:oidc_account, oidc_account) |> assign(:memberships, memberships) end end end diff --git a/lib/web/controllers/alcoolog_controller.ex b/lib/web/controllers/alcoolog_controller.ex index 6337da5..8263df1 100644 --- a/lib/web/controllers/alcoolog_controller.ex +++ b/lib/web/controllers/alcoolog_controller.ex @@ -1,323 +1,323 @@ defmodule NolaWeb.AlcoologController do use NolaWeb, :controller require Logger plug NolaWeb.ContextPlug when action not in [:token] plug NolaWeb.ContextPlug, [restrict: :public] when action in [:token] def token(conn, %{"token" => token}) do case Nola.Token.lookup(token) do {:ok, {:alcoolog, :index, network, channel}} -> index(conn, nil, network, channel) err -> Logger.debug("AlcoologControler: token #{inspect err} invalid") conn |> put_status(404) |> text("Page not found") end end def nick(conn = %{assigns: %{account: account}}, params = %{"network" => network, "nick" => nick}) do profile_account = Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(network, nick, nick) days = String.to_integer(Map.get(params, "days", "180")) friend? = Enum.member?(Nola.Membership.friends(account), profile_account.id) if friend? do stats = Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.get_full_statistics(profile_account.id) history = for {{nick, ts}, points, active, cl, deg, type, descr, meta} <- Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.nick_history(profile_account) do %{ at: ts |> DateTime.from_unix!(:millisecond), points: points, active: active, cl: cl, deg: deg, type: type, description: descr, meta: meta } end history = Enum.sort(history, &(DateTime.compare(&1.at, &2.at) != :lt)) |> IO.inspect() conn |> assign(:title, "alcoolog #{nick}") |> render("user.html", network: network, profile: profile_account, days: days, nick: nick, history: history, stats: stats) else conn |> put_status(404) |> text("Page not found") end end def nick_stats_json(conn = %{assigns: %{account: account}}, params = %{"network" => network, "nick" => nick}) do profile_account = Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(network, nick, nick) friend? = Enum.member?(Nola.Membership.friends(account), profile_account.id) if friend? do stats = Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.get_full_statistics(profile_account.id) conn |> put_resp_content_type("application/json") |> text(Jason.encode!(stats)) else conn |> put_status(404) |> json([]) end end def nick_gls_json(conn = %{assigns: %{account: account}}, params = %{"network" => network, "nick" => nick}) do profile_account = Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(network, nick, nick) friend? = Enum.member?(Nola.Membership.friends(account), profile_account.id) count = String.to_integer(Map.get(params, "days", "180")) if friend? do data = Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.user_over_time_gl(profile_account, count) delay = count*((24 * 60)*60) now = DateTime.utc_now() start_date = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.add(-delay, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.to_erl() filled = (:calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(start_date) .. :calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(DateTime.utc_now |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.to_erl)) |> Enum.to_list |> Enum.map(&(:calendar.gregorian_days_to_date(&1))) |> Enum.map(&Date.from_erl!(&1)) |> Enum.map(fn(date) -> %{date: date, gls: Map.get(data, date, 0)} end) |> Enum.sort(&(Date.compare(&1.date, &2.date) != :gt)) conn |> put_resp_content_type("application/json") |> text(Jason.encode!(filled)) else conn |> put_status(404) |> json([]) end end def nick_volumes_json(conn = %{assigns: %{account: account}}, params = %{"network" => network, "nick" => nick}) do profile_account = Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(network, nick, nick) friend? = Enum.member?(Nola.Membership.friends(account), profile_account.id) count = String.to_integer(Map.get(params, "days", "180")) if friend? do data = Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.user_over_time(profile_account, count) delay = count*((24 * 60)*60) now = DateTime.utc_now() start_date = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.add(-delay, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.to_erl() filled = (:calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(start_date) .. :calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(DateTime.utc_now |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.to_erl)) |> Enum.to_list |> Enum.map(&(:calendar.gregorian_days_to_date(&1))) |> Enum.map(&Date.from_erl!(&1)) |> Enum.map(fn(date) -> %{date: date, volumes: Map.get(data, date, 0)} end) |> Enum.sort(&(Date.compare(&1.date, &2.date) != :gt)) conn |> put_resp_content_type("application/json") |> text(Jason.encode!(filled)) else conn |> put_status(404) |> json([]) end end def nick_log_json(conn = %{assigns: %{account: account}}, %{"network" => network, "nick" => nick}) do profile_account = Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(network, nick, nick) friend? = Enum.member?(Nola.Membership.friends(account), profile_account.id) if friend? do history = for {{nick, ts}, points, active, cl, deg, type, descr, meta} <- Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.nick_history(profile_account) do %{ at: ts |> DateTime.from_unix!(:millisecond) |> DateTime.to_iso8601(), points: points, active: active, cl: cl, deg: deg, type: type, description: descr, meta: meta } end last = List.last(history) {_, active} = Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.user_stats(profile_account) last = %{last | active: active, at: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_iso8601()} history = history ++ [last] conn |> put_resp_content_type("application/json") |> text(Jason.encode!(history)) else conn |> put_status(404) |> json([]) end end def nick_history_json(conn = %{assigns: %{account: account}}, %{"network" => network, "nick" => nick}) do profile_account = Nola.Account.find_always_by_nick(network, nick, nick) friend? = Enum.member?(Nola.Membership.friends(account), profile_account.id) if friend? do history = for {_, date, value} <- Nola.Plugs.AlcoologAnnouncer.log(profile_account) do %{date: DateTime.to_iso8601(date), value: value} end conn |> put_resp_content_type("application/json") |> text(Jason.encode!(history)) else conn |> put_status(404) |> json([]) end end def index(conn = %{assigns: %{account: account}}, %{"network" => network, "chan" => channel}) do index(conn, account, network, NolaWeb.reformat_chan(channel)) end def index(conn = %{assigns: %{account: account}}, _) do index(conn, account, nil, nil) end #def index(conn, params) do # network = Map.get(params, "network") # chan = if c = Map.get(params, "chan") do # NolaWeb.reformat_chan(c) # end # irc_conn = if network do - # IRC.Connection.get_network(network, chan) + # Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(network, chan) # end # bot = if(irc_conn, do: irc_conn.nick)# # # conn # |> put_status(403) # |> render("auth.html", network: network, channel: chan, irc_conn: conn, bot: bot) #end def index(conn, account, network, channel) do aday = ((24 * 60)*60) now = DateTime.utc_now() before7 = now |> DateTime.add(-(7*aday), :second) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond) before15 = now |> DateTime.add(-(15*aday), :second) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond) before31 = now |> DateTime.add(-(31*aday), :second) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond) #match = :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {{^nick, date}, _, _, _, _}) when date > before -> obj end) match = [ {{{:_, :"$1"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [ {:>, :"$1", {:const, before15}}, ], [:"$_"]} ] # tuple ets: {{nick, date}, volumes, current, nom, commentaire} members = Nola.Membership.expanded_members_or_friends(account, network, channel) members_ids = Enum.map(members, fn({account, _, nick}) -> account.id end) member_names = Enum.reduce(members, %{}, fn({account, _, nick}, acc) -> Map.put(acc, account.id, nick) end) drinks = :ets.select(Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.ETS, match) |> Enum.filter(fn({{account, _}, _vol, _cur, _cl, _deg, _name, _cmt, _meta}) -> Enum.member?(members_ids, account) end) |> Enum.map(fn({{account, _}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} = object) -> {object, Map.get(member_names, account)} end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({{{_, ts}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}, _}) -> ts end, &>/2) stats = Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.get_channel_statistics(account, network, channel) top = Enum.reduce(drinks, %{}, fn({{{account_id, _}, vol, _, _, _, _, _, _}, _}, acc) -> nick = Map.get(member_names, account_id) all = Map.get(acc, nick, 0) Map.put(acc, nick, all + vol) end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_nick, count}) -> count end, &>/2) # {date, single_peak} # conn |> assign(:title, "alcoolog") |> render("index.html", network: network, channel: channel, drinks: drinks, top: top, stats: stats) end def index_gls_json(conn = %{assigns: %{account: account}}, %{"network" => network, "chan" => channel}) do count = 30 channel = NolaWeb.reformat_chan(channel) members = Nola.Membership.expanded_members_or_friends(account, network, channel) members_ids = Enum.map(members, fn({account, _, nick}) -> account.id end) member_names = Enum.reduce(members, %{}, fn({account, _, nick}, acc) -> Map.put(acc, account.id, nick) end) delay = count*((24 * 60)*60) now = DateTime.utc_now() start_date = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.add(-delay, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase) |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.to_erl() filled = (:calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(start_date) .. :calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(DateTime.utc_now |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.to_erl)) |> Enum.to_list |> Enum.map(&(:calendar.gregorian_days_to_date(&1))) |> Enum.map(&Date.from_erl!(&1)) |> Enum.map(fn(date) -> {date, (for {a, _, _} <- members, into: Map.new, do: {Map.get(member_names, a.id, a.id), 0})} end) |> Enum.into(Map.new) gls = Enum.reduce(members, filled, fn({account, _, _}, gls) -> Enum.reduce(Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.user_over_time_gl(account, count), gls, fn({date, gl}, gls) -> u = Map.get(gls, date, %{}) |> Map.put(Map.get(member_names, account.id, account.id), gl) Map.put(gls, date, u) end) end) dates = (:calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(start_date) .. :calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(DateTime.utc_now |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.to_erl)) |> Enum.to_list |> Enum.map(&(:calendar.gregorian_days_to_date(&1))) |> Enum.map(&Date.from_erl!(&1)) filled2 = Enum.map(member_names, fn({_, name}) -> history = (:calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(start_date) .. :calendar.date_to_gregorian_days(DateTime.utc_now |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.to_erl)) |> Enum.to_list |> Enum.map(&(:calendar.gregorian_days_to_date(&1))) |> Enum.map(&Date.from_erl!(&1)) |> Enum.map(fn(date) -> get_in(gls, [date, name]) #%{date: date, gl: get_in(gls, [date, name])} end) if Enum.all?(history, fn(x) -> x == 0 end) do nil else %{name: name, history: history} end end) |> Enum.filter(fn(x) -> x end) conn |> put_resp_content_type("application/json") |> text(Jason.encode!(%{labels: dates, data: filled2})) end def minisync(conn, %{"user_id" => user_id, "key" => key, "value" => value}) do account = Nola.Account.get(user_id) if account do ds = Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.data_state() meta = Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.get_user_meta(ds, account.id) case Float.parse(value) do {val, _} -> new_meta = Map.put(meta, String.to_existing_atom(key), val) Nola.Plugins.Alcoolog.put_user_meta(ds, account.id, new_meta) _ -> conn |> put_status(:unprocessable_entity) |> text("invalid value") end else conn |> put_status(:not_found) |> text("not found") end end end diff --git a/lib/web/live/chat_live.ex b/lib/web/live/chat_live.ex index 3f126f2..f8bab7d 100644 --- a/lib/web/live/chat_live.ex +++ b/lib/web/live/chat_live.ex @@ -1,120 +1,120 @@ defmodule NolaWeb.ChatLive do use Phoenix.LiveView use Phoenix.HTML require Logger def mount(%{"network" => network, "chan" => chan}, %{"account" => account_id}, socket) do chan = NolaWeb.reformat_chan(chan) - connection = IRC.Connection.get_network(network, chan) + connection = Nola.Irc.Connection.get_network(network, chan) account = Nola.Account.get(account_id) membership = Nola.Membership.of_account(Nola.Account.get("DRgpD4fLf8PDJMLp8Dtb")) if account && connection && Enum.member?(membership, {connection.network, chan}) do {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "#{connection.network}:events", plugin: __MODULE__) for t <- ["messages", "triggers", "outputs", "events"] do {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "#{connection.network}/#{chan}:#{t}", plugin: __MODULE__) end - IRC.PuppetConnection.start(account, connection) + Nola.Irc.PuppetConnection.start(account, connection) users = Nola.UserTrack.channel(connection.network, chan) |> Enum.map(fn(tuple) -> Nola.UserTrack.User.from_tuple(tuple) end) |> Enum.reduce(Map.new, fn(user = %{id: id}, acc) -> Map.put(acc, id, user) end) backlog = case Nola.IRC.Buffer.select_buffer(connection.network, chan) do {backlog, _} -> {backlog, _} = Enum.reduce(backlog, {backlog, nil}, &reduce_contextual_event/2) Enum.reverse(backlog) _ -> [] end socket = socket |> assign(:connection_id, connection.id) |> assign(:network, connection.network) |> assign(:chan, chan) |> assign(:title, "live") |> assign(:channel, chan) |> assign(:account_id, account.id) |> assign(:backlog, backlog) |> assign(:users, users) |> assign(:counter, 0) {:ok, socket} else {:ok, redirect(socket, to: "/")} end end def handle_event("send", %{"message" => %{"text" => text}}, socket) do account = Nola.Account.get(socket.assigns.account_id) IRC.send_message_as(account, socket.assigns.network, socket.assigns.channel, text, true) {:noreply, assign(socket, :counter, socket.assigns.counter + 1)} end def handle_info({:irc, :event, event = %{type: :join, user_id: id}}, socket) do if user = Nola.UserTrack.lookup(id) do socket = socket |> assign(:users, Map.put(socket.assigns.users, id, user)) |> append_to_backlog(event) {:noreply, socket} else {:noreply, socket} end end def handle_info({:irc, :event, event = %{type: :nick, user_id: id, nick: nick}}, socket) do socket = socket |> assign(:users, update_in(socket.assigns.users, [id, :nick], nick)) |> append_to_backlog(event) {:noreply, socket} end def handle_info({:irc, :event, event = %{type: :quit, user_id: id}}, socket) do socket = socket |> assign(:users, Map.delete(socket.assigns.users, id)) |> append_to_backlog(event) {:noreply, socket} end def handle_info({:irc, :event, event = %{type: :part, user_id: id}}, socket) do socket = socket |> assign(:users, Map.delete(socket.assigns.users, id)) |> append_to_backlog(event) {:noreply, socket} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, _, message}, socket) do handle_info({:irc, nil, message}, socket) end def handle_info({:irc, :text, message}, socket) do IO.inspect({:live_message, message}) socket = socket |> append_to_backlog(message) {:noreply, socket} end def handle_info(info, socket) do Logger.debug("Unhandled info: #{inspect info}") {:noreply, socket} end defp append_to_backlog(socket, line) do {add, _} = reduce_contextual_event(line, {[], List.last(socket.assigns.backlog)}) assign(socket, :backlog, socket.assigns.backlog ++ add) end defp reduce_contextual_event(line, {acc, nil}) do {[line | acc], line} end defp reduce_contextual_event(line, {acc, last}) do if NaiveDateTime.to_date(last.at) != NaiveDateTime.to_date(line.at) do {[%{type: :day_changed, date: NaiveDateTime.to_date(line.at), at: nil}, line | acc], line} else {[line | acc], line} end end end